Glossário Dr. Stone

Glossário Dr. Stone

- Y -
the masculine nature of all Creation as opposed to Yin, which is the feminine side.
the Spiritual meaning of the color yellow is "Intellect." Yellow represents clear thinking, intelligence, and the means to freeing misperceptions through a magnification process; has third-dimensional qualities; has healing associations, especially when the healing moves through the Earth and back into the individual; helps focus or gather energy together, thus helping the mental qualities to be more focused; addresses scattering and the memory area; connects directly with the physical aspects of Sanat Kumara and thus forms a chain or linkage system to the Solar Logos-Helios. The color yellow is also associated with the third chakra, the third ray, the astrological sign Taurus, and the planet Mercury.
one of the ten Sephiroth of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life; associated with Archangel Gabriel. The name of God associated with this sephiroth is Shaddel El Chai.
the feminine nature of all Creation as opposed to Yang, which is the masculine.
refers to the two sides of the "Tao." Everything in life has a masculine and feminine polarity. One of the key issues to achieving God Realization is to balance the feminine and masculine and/or Yin and Yang aspects of all things within oneself. Also could be seen as integrating the God/Goddess aspects within oneself regardless of the gender of one's physical vehicle.
Yod Hey Vod Hey
the Hebrew name for God. A derivative of YHWH. Jehovah, the outer manifestation of YHWH, would be similar Yod Hey Wah Hey.
Yod Spectrum
ten rays of platinum hues that emanate from the highest multidimensional Source levels of Creation, and can be anchored and activated by request from Metatron. These rays include the complete spectrum of divine fire letters which raise the consciousness of all individuals and codes them for spiritualized biological transmutation, cell by cell. This activation should be requested for the planetary, solar, galactic, universal, multi-universal, and cosmic levels.
means "union with God."
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
a book written by an Indian saint over 1000 years ago which still holds Spiritual application and truth to this day. For more information, see Dr. Stone's book Hidden Mysteries.
an individual who practices yoga.