Glossário Dr. Stone

Glossário Dr. Stone

- G -
(see Archangel Gabriel)
Gaia Hypothesis
the hypothesis that all life on Earth, and all of Earth's life systems are one organism. Gaia was the ancient Greek word for the Mother Earth, whom they worshiped.
galactic activation, ascension
galactic activation is the phase of the ascension process that is worked on after one completes solar activation, anchors and activates chakras 50 through 100, and installs and activates solar body. The process of galactic activation involves six main principles
Galactic Christ
there are many levels of the Christ. There are Planetary Christs, Solar Christs, Galactic Christs, Universal Christs and Cosmic Christs. On Earth, almost all are focusing on becoming a Planetary Christ. Lord Maitreya is the Planetary Christ, which is a type of Galactic position for our Planet.
galactic core
the center of the galaxy that houses the highest levels of galactic consciousness that one can tap into. It holds a ray that is silver-gold, associated with Melchior.
Galactic Federation of Planets
groups of planets in our local galaxy that have banded together in a Spiritual Confederation for Spiritual and Material reasons to further God's plan of evolution and creation.
galactic healers
a group of Spiritual Masters from the Great White Lodge on Sirius headed by Dr. Lorphan, the head of the healing Academy on Sirius, who are available to work on physical health concerns for anyone who calls upon them!
Galactic Logos
a being who governs the evolution of the galaxy and consciously holds the primary pattern for the galaxy to evolve in. Melchior is Galactic Logos for our Galaxy.
Gandhi, Mahatma
Spiritual Master from India who integrated his Spirituality into the political arena as well. Literally almost single handedly freed India from the tyranny of British rule through nonviolent protest!
Hindu god who is the remover of obstacles.
Garden of Eden
refers to both a physical place and a state of consciousness. The physical place where the Garden of Eden actually existed was ancient early Lemuria or Mu. A continent and civilization that predated even that of Atlantis. In the earliest stages, a utopian civilization existed there before there was the tasting of the fruit of the Tree of Good and Evil. This civilization was more etheric in nature or, in other words, not densified in the physical dense bodies we have now. This was a civilization of the perfection of God. We, at this time in history, are now on our return to the Seventh Golden Age and a return to this Edenic state or Garden of Eden. First all beings on Earth must achieve a Garden of Eden consciousness which is the Spiritual/Christ/Buddha consciousness!
Garment of Shaddai
the body of Metatron, which can be anchored and activated in the four-body system by request to Metatron.
one of the ten Sephiroth of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, associated with Archangel Chamuel. The name of God associated with this ephiroth is Elohim Gabor.
German Kabbalistic belief system.
Gematrian Body
The Keys of Enoch refers to the Gematrian Body as the vehicle of light synthesis in body form by the Shekinah's (Holy Spirit) life force, which controls all inner relationships of light. This body prepares the human vehicle to be connected to the anointed Christ overself body, and on the physical plane it can control the ratio between the plasmic state of living things and their atomic-molecular matter. The Gematrian Body is made up of light geometries used in consciousness energy meridians of the human system to make them available to guide and energize the body. The Gematrian Body, with the Shekinah, bears witness that we are active people of God and actively dwelling in a body of light within the body of flesh. As a vehicle for the saints, the Gematrian Body frees creative life from slavery to the physical body.
one of the 12 signs of the Zodiac (5/22-6/22). Key Phrase-"I Think." The key challenge in Gemini is developing a right relationship to your mind. Are you the master of your mind, or is your mind your master? Gemini deals with the twins, the dual force of opposition between heavenly and earthly energies. The lesson is to harmonize one's spiritual and earthly life. The positive qualities of Gemini are
Gemstone Guardians
Elemental and Devic beings who embody gemstones and protect them and can be communicated with in meditation as to the true Spiritual nature of this most beautiful physical substances.
Gem Therapy
the use of gemstones placed upon the physical body for physical and energetic healing.
the portion of the Old Testament Bible speaking to the story of Creation.
Genetic cleansing
a Spiritual healing process whereby Spirit or the inner plane Ascended Masters will cleanse your genetic timeline, so to speak, which is a way of removing past karma. Will be done for you if you request this.
Genetic memory
the memory our bodies carry in the cells and DNA that are a link to our genetic history. It is possible for the soul to attain an awareness of the memory of the genetic line itself, and this concept and potential is greatly expanded by the multidimensional memory we embody as we awaken the twelve strand DNA.
Gestalt psychology
a form and methodology of psychology based on the teachings of Fritz Pearls. Very experientially oriented and very nonstructured. Considered one of the more humanistic forms of psychology. Has some value but is not a complete teaching, and is not really Spiritually based. More of a psychological teaching. I personally very much appreciate Fritz Pearls quote, "When the top dog or underdog comes up within your mind, laugh it off the stage!" I would say no Spiritual Teacher could say this much better!
Gestalt therapy
a type of therapy based on Gestalt psychology (see preceeding paragraph).
the form of delusion of the astral or emotional plane, the remedy for which is termed "illumination"; characterized by the act of criticism, separateness, and pride.
Glamour of devotion
one of the glamours that hold humanity, which refers to people who fanatically follow a cause in an extremist fashion.
Glamour of materiality
one of the glamours that hold humanity, having to do with an overidentification with materialism, with the gluttonous desire for possessions and/or money.
Glamour of sentiment
one of the glamours that hold humanity, which is a pseudo-love, based on attachment and addiction to loving or being loved.
Glamour of the pairs of opposites
one of the glamours that hold humanity. Here the disciple swings back and forth between opposites without evenmindedness, becoming too easily attached to people or things.
Glamour of the path
one of the glamours that hold humanity, which includes the glamour of working with the Ascended Masters from the negative ego's perspective.
Elemental beings that have great power over the rocks and minerals. There are many types of Gnomes, such as
a Greek word for "knowledge," "to know." To attain knowledge.
seeking knowledge through direct experience. The Gnostics were spiritual seekers who believed that masters such as Jesus were teaching us about a mystical state of being that could be attained, and that we could have knowledge of through direct experience. Some early Christians followed this idea, and sought to attain the state of Christ consciousness.
Gnostic Gospels
a series of ancient gospels, some of which were entitled "hidden" or "secret" gospels, about the teachings of Jesus, that speak more of the mystical nature of Jesus.
Godhead; God, Christ and the Holy Spirit; Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu (the Creator, the Preserver and the Destroyer); I Am That I Am; First Cause; All That Is; Unmanifest and Manifest Creator; Impersonal and Personal; Spirit; God/Goddess; Father and Mother of all Creation. We live and move and have our being in Him, Heavenly Father, Diety, Creator and Ruler of the Infinite Universe, Supreme Being, The All Mighty, Eternal, Infinite, All Powerful, All Loving, All Knowing, All Seeing. Supreme Consciousness. The Mighty I Am Presence, the Monad, the Higher Self, the Soul; The Three-Fold Flame of Love, Wisdom and Power. God’s Personality can be known by understanding the Seven Rays, Seven Chakras, Twelve signs of the Zodiac, the Twelve Sephiroth of the Tree of Life, the Twelve Archetypes. God is Love and Love is God! Universal Mind, Universal Soul. We are made in His Image and Likeness. He can be understood by understanding that the microcosm is like the macrocosm. As within, so without! By understanding the atom we get a glimpse of God. Limitless, Infinity, the Absolute. That which is egoless! God equals man minus ego! Infinitely expanding. Oneness, Unity and Harmony. God Consciousness. That which is lacking in seperation, fear, selfishness and lower-self thinking, feeling and desire. God is Light! God is total positivity. God is perfection! Self-mastery, personal power, unconditional love, wisdom, active intelligence, beauty, New Age science, devotion, freedom, Divine order, Divine justice, joy, patience, inner peace, compassion, forgiveness, nonjudgmentalness, tolerant, evenminded, equanimity, bliss, Spiritual ecstasy, nonattachment, preference, Spiritual lessons, guiltlessness, invulnerability, goodness, selflessness, goodwill, humbleness, humility, merciful, holiness, righteousness, gratitude, loving kindness, dedication, commitment, perseverance, realization, synthesis, comprehension, reverence, sanctification, charity, flawless character, transcendence of negative ego duality, service, appropriateness, civility, courteousness, cleanliness, virtue, simplicity, detachment, Spiritual idealism, surrender, obedience, acceptance, nonresistance, self-discipline, moderation, inclusiveness, timing, centeredness, calmness, efficient perception of reality, joyous vigilance, cooperation, self-love, self-worth, responsibility, learning by grace, harmlessness, defenselessness, faith, trust, integrity, purity, conscience, ethics, morals, saintliness.God is incarnate in all people, animals, plants, and minerals. Able to split consciousness into infinite forms and breathe them out into creation and breathe them back in again. The in-breath and out-breath of God! Aum. The essence behind the form. Perfect Balance and Integration! The Tao! Adonai! Ain, Ain Soph, Ain Soph Or, Kether, The Atma, The Eternal Self, The Lord’s Mystical Body, The Comforter! The Still, Small Voice Within. Reflected in the Melchizedek/Christ/Buddha/Spiritual consciousness. The Void. The Eternal Now. The Holy Instant! Omniscient, Omnipresent, and Omnipotent!Enlightenment, Redemption, Transfiguration, Graduation, Resurrection, Translation, Samadhi, Ascension, Rapture, Salvation. 352 Levels of Initiation. Om Tat Sat. YHWH, Jehovah, Brahma, Allah, Ra, The Tetragramaton. Hu, So Ham, Ham Sa. All Energy! All Time and Space! The Seven Heavens! Known through His Four Faces (Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, Material). The Redeemer, Circular or Spiral in Nature. The Quickener, The One, The Eternal One, The Supreme Guru, I Am, The Supreme Oversoul, Lord, the Logos, The Supreme Buddha, The Light and the Sound, The Voice of the Dove, The King of Kings, The Lord of Lords, The Lord of Love, Source, The Self-Existent One, The Unnamed One, Revelation, Awe, The Divine Lover, The Refuge, The Eternal Light; The Ancient, Recent and Future of Days, The Higher Way, The Lord God of Hosts, The Living Everlasting Light, The Exalted One, The Provider, The Annointer, The Indweller, The Deliverer, The Alpha and Omega, The Great Spirit, The Force, The Holy Name, The Infinite Way, The Immortal One, The Protector, The Compassionate One, The Sublime, The Great One, The Wise One, The Restorer, The First, The Guide, The Everlasting, The Originator, The Merciful One, The Supreme Hierophant, The Everything, The Nothingness, The Supreme Who is One but Whose Names are Many. That which is Unfathomable!
God consciousness
a state of awareness that is in unity with God and All That Is.
a most beautiful term given to describe the full Spiritual flowering of the feminine or yin energy within. The integration of the God/Goddess is something that both men and women need to do to realize God! (see Dr. Stone's and his wife Wistancia's new book on the subject, Empowerment and Integration Through The Goddess.)
God Force
all the beings of God's infinite universe of an Elohim, Ascended Master, Angelic, or Christed Extraterrestrial nature, who serve God and who can be called upon for help!
the highest Source level, from which all other levels extend and to which all will return to. The Source of All That Is.
Godhead Ray
clear light, completely translucent and invisible.
God's Law
everything in God's infinite Universe is governed by Universal Laws. When we as Sons and Daughters of God are obedient to these laws we live in Grace and not karma, or the school of hard knocks!
the color gold is the perfect integrator; the accepting of the soul level is emphasized; the accepting of wholeness on every level is emphasized; emphasizes linkage system; deals with full abundance; helps to integrate the cocreator level; deals with putting together the pieces of any area that has seemed scattered; connects through Sanat Kumara or the planetary link directly to Helios or the Solar Logos consciousness level; helps to develop through decrystallization more heart radiance; seeks to help soften perspectives that need blending so they blend more easily; deals with "kingship/queenship"; deals with assuming one's full power through the true identity level; awakens within on the true reality level; broadens the creative base through allowing it to flow; accelerates blending of levels of creativity; often acts as a "launching" into an integrated level of creativity. The color gold is also associated with the twelfth ray, the twelfth chakra, and the astrological sign Leo. (WANT TO INCLUDE THAT IS ALSO THE COLOUR OF THE CHRIST?)
Golden Age
the prophesied age of enlightenment, peace, and prosperity that many have foreseen as being connected with the new age of Aquarius.
Golden Chamber of Helios
an ascension seat that is located at the center of the Solar Core on the inner planes, and overlighted by Helios the Solar Logos.
Golden Chamber of Melchizedek
an ascension seat at the universal level; overlighted by Melchizedek, the Universal Logos, at the Universal Core. Before the entrance there is a stream of golden energy in which one passes that helps one to further refine before entering these higher evolutionary levels of energy.
Golden white ascension light
the light and frequency of ascension that can be called forth from the Ascended Masters and the I Am Presence to increase energy and align with the process of ascension.
Gospel of Peace
the original manuscript of St. Jerome's translation for the Pope in the middle of the fourth century, of a body of ancient writings that reveals information about the Essenes.
Govinda Galaxy
asking the Masters to guide you to the Govinda Galaxy in your personal merkabah can help place into your aura a certain vibration of energy for the integration of unconditional love.
Grand Universe
a term given for the central master universe, in The Urantia Book.
Grattan, Brian
Spiritual teacher who was involved with the Mahatma teachings. Passed on to the Spirit world in the 1990's.
a name given to one of the primary groups of Extraterrestrials that is involved with Earth. The Grays are responsible for most of the abductions that have taken place. Certain factions of these beings have made alliances with the governments of Earth, with a general plot of taking over the planet through mind control. There are many different types of Grays coming from systems such as Rigel, Ursa Major, Draconis, Orion, and Zeta Reticulum, as well as some from another universe. The Grays have many different problems with their physiology, and the abductions are for their genetic experiments which include cloning, DNA enrichment, and crossbreeding with humans. They have a kind of group consciousness rather than having individuality consciousness. Their religion is science, not true spirituality, and their social structure is based on obedience and duty. Although there are some Grays that are interested in assisting humanity, most are interested in the colonization and conquest of Earth, and have hidden bases in many parts of the world and on the moon.
Great Central Sun
Universal Core and Central Sun for our specific universe.
Great crystal
a power source used for the entire civilization of Atlantis.
Greater flame
the cosmic flame of the Mighty I Am Presence that may be anchored as one merges with the higher-self.
Great Great Central Sun
Melchizedek's multiuniversal level, the Source of the Cosmic Day for our 43 Christed universes.
Great Great Great Central Sun
the Central Sun of the Source level!
Great Sabbath
the Essenes regarded every seventh Sabbath as a Great Sabbath; a transcendental day that acknowledged all aspects of peace.
Great Sevenfold Vow
candidates to become members of he Essenes entered a seven year probationary period, after which they had to take the Great Sevenfold Vow-never to reveal the communions to anyone without permission and never to use the power and the knowledge they had obtained for material or selfish purposes.
Great White Brotherhood/Sisterhood
another name for the Spiritual Hierarchy of Ascended Masters
Great White Lodge on Sirius
this is the true home of the Ascended Masters which Shamballa is an outpost for on our planet! Governed by the Lord and Lady of Sirius! This is not a physical place or star, this is an etheric place! It holds a ray of gold, at the second level of purity.
Great Pyramid of Giza
the most famous of all the pyramids of Egypt. In ancient times it was known as the "House of Light." It is connected to underground tunnels that are connected with Hollow Earth and contains all the Ancient Mysteries of Atlantis as well in the Hall of Records connected with the Sphinx. Both scientific investigation and the teachings of the Masters tell us that the Great Pyramid is point number one on the Earth's electromagnetic grid. It is one of the most powerful vortices on the planet and acts as a transmitting station for broadcasting the keys and codes that are awakening the planet. Though most Egyptologists believe that it was built approximately 4500 years ago for the Pharaoh Khufu, many scientists and lay people from all over the world believe that it is far more ancient. Its true age is still a mystery, but it is clear that its dimensions and the arrangements of the other surrounding pyramids suggest a cosmic influence. The prophets have said that the Great Pyramid is a library in stone that mankind will soon learn to read. The dimensions of the Great Pyramid contain precessional numbers, which are numbers that are used to calculate the precession of the equinoxes and the motion of the Earth. The entire pyramid was created from numbers generated from these key values. The alignments and dimensions suggest that it is like a clock that tells the precession of the equinoxes, which tells of the passing of the great ages; a clock which only completes one circuit every 26,000 years. The precession of the equinoxes refers to the slow 26,000 year wobble of the Earth which gradually creates the effect of the positions of the zodiacal constellations rotating 360 degrees around the position of the rising sun. In one full precessional cycle, each of the twelve zodiacal constellations occupies the position of the rising sun for 2160 years, corresponding to one astrological age. The Great Pyramid was once used for initiations into higher levels of consciousness, and it now calls lightworkers and spiritual seekers from all over the world to remember these initiations and their ancient Egyptian connections, and to experience the activations and key codes that are coming through the pyramid now. The Great Pyramid is the only one of the seven wonders of the ancient world that is still standing.
the spiritual meaning of the color green is Harmony and Sympathy. The color green is associated with healing; associated with growth and evolution; associated with harmony and ephiroth; associated with a clear use of the emotional body; has a specific connection to the fourth dimension; has a connection to artistic development, including painting, music, and dance; is able to draw from the Source level itself a perspective of wholeness, thus addressing the area of allowing unlimitedness. Green is also associated with the heart chakra, the fourth ray which is emerald green, the ninth ray which is blue-green, the eighth ray which is seafoam green/violet luminosity, the planet Saturn which is connected with the hue of olive green, and the astrological sign of Cancer.
the etheric lines and structures of energy that interpenetrate all physical substance on Earth and in our bodies! These can be adjusted by the Masters for purposes of Spiritual and Psychological growth!
Grid points
points on the planetary grid where lines of force and ley lines intersect, often forming vortices and/or electromagnetic anomalies. These points are places where the consciousness of the grid can be tapped or programmed more easily. There are both major and minor points, the major points of which are associated with "places of power" such as the Great Pyramid or Mt. Shasta. The grid points represent places where the energy of the dimensions can easily exchange with each other, which is a necessary dynamic for the structure of creation. Often energy can be trapped in such places where there is a confusion of what dimension one is in, such as what takes place when a discarnate human remains in one area, "haunting" that particular place. This happens partly because physical and nonphysical reality blend together more in these places as the energy of the dimensions are being exchanged, and so it is easy for one to think they are still in physical reality. Part of the work of lightworkers everywhere is to clear these energy points when they are found, to release trapped energy and help the Earth to heal and ascend.
the need of all lightworkers and people on Earth to anchor their Mighty I Am Presence and energies into their physical bodies and onto the Earthly physical plane. A blind spot and weakness of a great many lightworkers on this plane at this time. Energies are not equally balanced in all bodies and in all chakras. Spiritual mission, contracts, and personal blueprints are not being manifested fully on Earth. This is not a judgment, just an insight for lightworkers to be mindful of. There are four faces of God (Spiritual, Mental, Emotional and Material). The Material face of God is often the last to be fully realized. One cannot fully realize God without realizing God through the physical as well! Spirituality must be embodied in a physical body on Earth to truly realize God!
Grounding cord
the part of the ephiroth that is built downward through the root chakra and the base of the spine into the Earth.
Group consciousness
in the ascension process, as higher initiations are taken, one is constantly moving into a greater experience of group consciousness in which the individual begins to focus more on a group body of awareness than feeling individual. The ideal experience is to be able to shift back and forth from individual and collective awareness. This consciousness begins with the soul group and monadic group, and moves into group consciousness with the Spiritual Hierarchy and all initiates, as well as with other collectives of beings such as Extraterrestrial groups. Group consciousness is the natural state of awareness in the higher dimensions and serves to both enhance individuality and draw inspiration from it, resulting in a symbiotic relationship between group identities and individual incarnations.
Group karma
not all karma is personal karma. When we incarnate we also become affected by the karma of other people and the karma of the planet as a whole. We are not islands unto ourselves!
in ultimate monadic ascension, six monads will group together into a unit, or group-monad.
Group-monadic module
in ultimate monadic ascension, six group-monads will form a group-monadic module, as all 36 monads move toward greater unity consciousness.
Guardian Angel
every person on Earth has at least one or two Guardian Angels that have been assigned to help them. They guide and help in unseen ways never needing to be physically noticed but having a great influence especially in times of danger.
Guardian species
the primary species of beings on a planet that guard the life on the planet. On Earth, dolphins and whales are the guardian species of the ocean, and humans are the guardian species that were intended for the land.
holding a grudge against one's self, or holding on to the feeling of being in error. Blaming one's self without acceptance of grace.
an Indian term to describe one's Spiritual Teacher.