Glossário Dr. Stone

Glossário Dr. Stone

- U -
Unidentified Flying Objects. This could represent any flying object that cannot be identified, but is most often associated with Extraterrestrial vehicles and/or secret military flying vehicles.
UFO Movement
a vast movement of people from around the world who believe in uncovering the truth about UFOs and the Extraterrestrial phenomenon. Despite the ridicule of many, they are actually playing an important role in organizing evidence and spreading information. Many are people who believe they have experienced some kind of contact with a higher intelligence or witnessed an unexplained phenomenon.
Ultimate Monadic Ascension
the process of merging with, integrating, and ascending with not only the 144 soul extensions from one's own monad, but all of the soul extensions of the monadic-group and group-monadic module, that one must process to completely transcend the eighth and ninth dimensional levels.
an advanced human-like civilization from the Earth-like planet of Ummo, who have made extensive contact with humanity. They are very attuned to the science of the soul and make practical use of at least ten dimensions of reality.
a planet that orbits a star known to astronomers as Wolf 424, which is 14 light-years from Earth and is home to an advanced civilization.
unconditional love
1 love without conditions, judgments, attachments, boundaries, restrictions, attitudes, or preferences. 2 the ideal form of love that we must all strive to realize and hold to be in perfect balance and harmony with the universe, giving and receiving love to all simultaneously without conditions or boundaries. 3 a term used to describe the Creator's love, or the love of perfected beings.
underground bases
reports have been made by many sources that a network of secret, underground military bases exists in the Midwestern United States, some of which are jointly occupied by humans and members of various factions of Extraterrestrial groups that the government has made deals with.
a feeling caused by the belief that happiness lies in outside things rather than your own thinking and state of mind. Also in having attachments rather than preferences. Based on the ego's comfort zone being compromised.
Unified Chakra
when ascension occurs, the seven chakras become one elongated, unified chakra.
Elemental beings who are able to control, to a great degree, the couse and function of the water element. There are many types of Undines, such as
Unified Field
the Unified Field of physics, which is a force that ties together the forces of gravity, light, time and the strong and weak electromagnetic forces into a single energy. Metaphysically equated to the creative force of Love.
Unified Field Theory
since the discovery of the atom and the quantum forces, scientists have searched for a theory that unifies the forces of time, light, gravity and the strong and weak electromagnetic forces into a single equation that governs the interaction of these forces on both the quantum and cosmological scale.
universal activation, ascension
universal activation is the phase of the ascension process that is worked on after one completes galactic activation, anchors and activates chakras 100 through 150, and installs and activates the galactic body. The process of galactic activation involves six main principles
Universal Chakra Pattern
a universal chakra blueprint that can be anchored and imprinted onto the existing chakra system by asking Melchizedek for this activation.
Universal Christ
this is as opposed to Galactic Christ, Solar Christ, Planetary Christ, Cosmic Christ. There are different levels of Christ Realization as one evolves through the 352 levels of initiation.
universal laws
everything in God's Universe is governed by laws. There are Spiritual, mental, emotional, etheric and physical laws. One of the absolute keys to God Realization is to understand these laws and be able to apply them for a positive benefit for self and others.
Universal level Ray
from the Golden Chamber of Melchizedek, the purest and most refined gold hue.
Universal Mind
just as we have a mind, God has a mind and various levels of Creation. It is actually possible not only to be attuned and merge with this mind, but it can also speak in a voice as demonstrated by Edgar Cayce, who was known as the "Sleeping Prophet." He would go into a trance and the Universal Mind would speak throughhim! (UPDATE TO INCLUDE THAT UNIVERSAL MIND IS GROUP CONSCIOUSNESS OF ALL OUR SUPERCONSICOUS MINDS?)
our local universe is called the Melchizedek Universe and the quality or theme of our particular universe is "Courage." Melchizedek, a Cosmic being, is the president of our universe, which can also be called the Universal Logos.
a particular part of the Vedas, the great Spiritual text and Bible of the Hindu religion! They provide a detailed description of the nature of the Eternal Self and Atman. They teach methods of attaining Brahman (God).
the celestial name given for the Earth in The Urantia Book.
Urantia Book
a revelatory book and teaching given to humanity by celestial beings, that claims to be the latest of five great revelations given to humanity, the fourth of which was the life and teachings of Jesus. The book describes the nature of multidimensional reality and the history of the local universe, as well as the life and teachings of Jesus.
the seventh planet out from the sun that holds the astrological quality of abstract mental principals or the greater mind that shatters structure, depersonalizes, and brings revolution of ideas.
Urim and Thummin
a set of sacred crystals spoken of in the Book of Mormonand The Keys of Enochthat are cosmic recording and translating crystals. Joseph Smith and the prophets in the Book of Mormonwere given charge of these devices at different times to decipher the sealed scriptures of various ancient records, which is how Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormoninto English.
Ursa Major
particular star constellation in our local galaxy.
the name given by The Urantia Bookto the capital of Orvonton, the superuniverse of which our universe is a part.