Glossário Dr. Stone

Glossário Dr. Stone

- D -
this is the hidden sephiroth on the Cosmic Tree of Life dealing with hidden wisdom!
Dalai Lama
Spiritual and political leader of the people of Tibet. Banished from his country by the Communist Chinese and has been traveling the world representing the teachings of Tibetan Buddhism. Considered to be a reincarnation of previous Dalai Lama.
Dal Universe
the next universe, according to Semjase, the Pleiadian who made contact with Billy Meier. She describes the people of the Dal Universe to be more advanced than the Pleiadians and who have a handsome Nordic look, like the northern European Caucasians.
Dark Brotherhood
just as there is a Planetary and Cosmic Hierarchy of Spiritual Masters also known as the Great White Brotherhood and Sisterhood. There is also a group of Sons and Daughters of God who have been taken over by forces of fear, negative ego and separation who have formed an organization based upon darkness and principles antithetical to the Light and Love of GOD! This could also be termed the forces of the antichrist. I emphasize that these are Spiritual beings who do not realize it, and have formed this organization to block lightworkers from achieving their mission. The best way to deal with them is to never think them. As long as you keep your consciousness focused on the Light, in a positive direction, they cannot touch you or affect you and you will never ever have any dealings with them and this is how it should be. This is brought up just for your intellectual knowledge to know that such a group does exist.
Dark Brothers
souls who are confused and have chosen a path of serving self instead of serving others, seeing people not as fellow souls, but rather objects to exploit and use for selfish gain.
Dark Night of the Soul
a process where the incarnated soul hits "rock bottom" psychologically and emotionally. Sometimes a good thing in a Spiritual sense in that all negative ego defendedness is let go of and God is allowed to enter.
Eastern term describing the process of having a physical meeting and contact with a Spiritual Master.
Dead Sea Scrolls
ancient scrolls found in Israel, in Qumran, dealing with the Essenes and teachings at the time of Jesus.
a transformation process from one state of consciousness to another, usually referring to the incarnated personality passing away from the physical vehicle to return to its spiritual home, and always resulting in a form of rebirth (see also second death).
Death Hormone
at the time of death, the heart seed atom begins releasing into the blood stream atomic particles and images of one's approaching death, and as the blood reaches the glands it causes the glands to create a mysterious substance called the "death hormone," which is the way that God had created to prevent us from suffering in the physical body once the soul has chosen to die.
Deca Delta Light Emanations
a light encodement from the ten Light Superscripts of the Divine Mind that can be anchored and activated by request from Metatron.
a being that is worshipped and regarded as a divine being.
Dújó vu
the psychological process in any given moment of having the sense that you have lived this moment before. Usually caused by the process of having dreamed it in advance while sleeping, although there could be other explanations as well.
Delphi, Greece
high in the mountains of Greece, northwest of Athens, lies the ruins of ancient Delphi, where people came to consult the Oracle concerning the affairs of the state and many other important issues of the day. It was a place where treatises were made. It contained a large playing field, an amphitheater, and the temple of Apollo. It was believed that this was the site of an ancient battle between the god Apollo and a giant snake. Before going to see the Oracle, the Greeks used to cleanse themselves in a nearby bathing area fed by a stream that ran down the sides of the mountain. This was one of many ancient sites that was considered by the people of the region to be the "navel of the Earth."
a son or daughter of God that is been taken over by the negative ego, dark forces and/or lower-self. This person is confused and unconsciously governed by fear, selfishness, and negativity. Most extreme case of possession by darkness. Best policy not to focus on such things and just keep your mind "steady in the Light!"
Dendera, Egypt
this first century Egyptian temple lies one hundred miles north of Luxor, along the Nile, and contains many well preserved symbolic images of the constellations, carved in the stone walls, including the twelve constellations of the Zodiac. This sacred temple was dedicated to Hathor, the goddess of love and wisdom.
losing one's will to live or maintain any kind of positive or healthy outlook on life. Losing one's will to spiritually fight and constantly move forward. Anger turned inward to the extreme.
the aspect of the ascension process involving higher dimensions, chakras and energy bodies descending and merging with the lower bodies, such as the physical body.
desensitization dispensation
an activation that can be requested from Djwhal Khul and Sanat Kumara that will tone down one's psychic sensitivity for those who have reached a level of sensitivity that is uncomfortable.
quality of the astral and/or emotional body that seeks fulfillment. Spiritual ideal is to release all lower-self desire and only strive to have Spiritual desire for God Realization.
desire body
astral body and/or emotional body.
one of the 12 major archetypes that must be balanced in the process of clearing the negative ego, characterized by being a change-maker, enemy, betrayer, evil-doer, mischief-maker, devil, rascal, or smart-ass.
Deva (nature deva)
angels that are focused on building form in the natural world. They are the angels of nature. They are the architects and the guiding force that gives form and structure and energy to the plant world. There are many types of devas, both subhuman and superhuman. There are also many different hierarchies of devas that are distinctly different from the human kingdom's hierarchy, although they work in perfect harmony with the other hierarchies. Djwhal Khul has referred to the great builders as the solar pitris and the lesser builders as the lunar pitris, which are the nature spirits. Each group of devas has specific work and methods of development whereby they attain their goals and evolve. There are three subsidiary groups
a dimension of reality that disciples and initiates may pass to after death dealing with the mental plane of reality when the initiate has been more polarized and/or identified with their mental bodies.
a being in the fundamentalist Christian religion to describe the forces of fear, negativity and separation This being has no existence, in truth. There is no horned creature. There is just the fear-based separative mind that is the cause of all problems within self and the world. Fundamentalist Christianity has turned this psychological principle into a being which, in truth, is an illusionary principle. Negative or dark energy definitely exists and it is what we are here to transcend, however, do not be concerned about a horned creature as depicted in movies! Do be vigilant against the negative ego, however, although it is only a psychological fragmentation of the mind, the negative ego can be extremely sabotaging if allowed to run amuck, as the saying goes! Be ever Spiritually vigilant for God and his Kingdom!
the key psychological quality of the Sixth Ray. That quality that depicts emotional respect, reverence and sanctification to God, a Spiritual Master, or even a family member or friend. Bhakti Yoga is based on achieving God Relization through devotion to God.
a book of Buddha's teachings. Quite wonderful, I might add!
one's Spiritual path, Spiritual destiny, Divine blueprint and Spiritual contract and agreement or plan made prior to incarnation. People lose their dharma when they allow the negative ego mind to control them. God equals man minus ego!
(involution) the ninth stage of samadhi. This stage is a focus producing an involution of the primary energies or qualities called "gunas" (tamas, rajas, sattva). The ideal in Eastern religion is to be more sattvic than tamasic or rajasic. Being sattvic is being more Christ-like in terms of the psychological qualities one emanates from his/her being. This stage of samadhi, according to Eastern religion, instantly leads to liberation from the wheel of rebirth. The fruits of karma and causes of bondage and limitation are dissolved. The self (atma, purusha) shines forth in supreme splendor.
in my Father's House there are many mansions, or levels or planes of existence
dimensional doorway
portal, spiritual or psychic opening one can pass through for Spiritual expansion.
usually considered anywhere from a first to fourth degree or initiation level
dimensions nine through twelve
these dimensions deal with the galactic level of consciousness, and the higher universities of Sirius.
dimensions twelve through twenty-four
these dimensions deal with the universal levels of reality and are the domain of Melchizedek. These dimensions can begin to be accessed through Melchizedek's Golden Ascension Chamber.
Direct God Current
just as one can call forth Spiritual current from the Masters, Archangels or Elohim, it is also possible to call forth direct Spiritual Current directly from GOD, Christ and the Holy Spirit!
a feeling caused from being attached to a particular outcome. It will disappear from your reality if everything in life is a strong preference but not an attachment. The key is acceptance that all is part of the divine order.
a disciple is committed to serve humanity, cooperate with the plan of the great ones, and develop the powers and follow the guidance of the soul and not the three lower-nature bodies (physical, astral, mental). A disciple is a person who is beginning to change his focus from self to the group consciousness.
Spiritual discrimination, Spiritual observation or judgment done with unconditional love.
the process of using a particular physical methodology such as Tarot, I Ching, or Runes, to determine Spiritual guidance.
regarded as Spiritual or holy.
Divine Father
GOD has two aspects! These are the Divine Father and the Divine Mother. The Yin and the Yang.
Divine Mother
(see Divine Father in predeeding paragraph) Adding to this, the Divine Mother can be seen on a Planetary, Solar, Galactic, Universal, and Cosmic level. Mother Mary, for example, could be seen as the Galactic Divine Mother. There is also a Cosmic Divine Mother who embodies GOD's Infinite Omniverse! It is important to understand these different levels of Divine embodiments of the Divine Mother principle! The Divine Mother and Goddess energies are now returning to the Earth after being rejected and abused for most of Earth's history! It is important to also understand that Divine Mother is different from Earth Mother, or Mother Earth. These are different beings!
Divine Plan
this is the plan for Creation according to GOD's idea which he gives to the Elohim, the Archangels, the Cosmic Council of 12, and the 24 Elders that surround the Throne of Grace, who then pass the Divine Plan down in a stepped down fashion through the Multi-Universal Masters, Universal Masters, Galactic Masters, Solar Masters, and Planetary Masters, to Lord Buddha-our Planetary Logos or Spiritual President, to Lord Maitreya-the Planetary Christ, Allah Gobi-the Manu, and Saint Germain-the Mahachohan, who pass it down to the Chohans of the Seven Rays, who pass it down to the Seven Ashrams of the Christ, who pass it down to the Spiritual Hierarchy on Earth!
Divine Recorder Cell
a recording cell that can be anchored and activated by request from Metatron and Melchizedek, that works in conjunction with the Deca Delta Light emanations and the unique pyramidal energy network to facilitate the anchoring of the ten Light Superscripts of the Divine Mind.
Divine Seed of the Elohim
a divine thoughtform which is the image and the similitude of divine creation, which is a divine dispensation that can be called forth in a protective envelope of Light from the Treasury of Light of YHWH, under the guidence of Metatron, Melchizedek, Archangel Michael, the Council of Elohim, and the 12 Mighty Elohim.
Divine Template of the Elohim
a divine Light grid of divine wisdom that can be called forth, anchored, and activated from Metatron, the Council of Elohim, and the 12 Mighty Elohim, so one may receive the highest wisdom of God, or YHWH.
Djwhal Khul
an inner plane ascended master who used to run the inner plane Synthesis Ashram which he officially turned over to Dr Joshua David Stone in 2003. Has moved on to the University on the Great White Lodge on Sirius, however, he is still available for all his disciples and friends on Earth who call upon him!
Djwhal Khul's Golden Orb
a golden orb necklace than can be called forth from Djwhal Khul that can be worn etherically, which will automatically keep all of the etheric nadis and energy meridians sealed and will also prevent you from losing Light.
Spiritual teaching steeped in personality level and negative ego doctrine that is not really Spiritually attuned to the true teachings of God.
dolphins are an Extraterrestrial species who came to Earth as a guardian species to help guide and protect the evolution of Earth. They are great record keepers and hold many keys to Earth that humans must discover and integrate. Most human beings have very little idea of how intelligent these creatures are. They are highly telepathic and are willing to assist humans in their awakening who seek a deeper connection with their consciousness, in heart and mind.
above the Virtues in the second sphere of the angelic kingdom are the Dominions. These angelic beings govern the activities of all the angelic beings and groups that work below them in this sphere. They might be called the divine bureaucrats. They also help to integrate and blend the material and spiritual worlds. The Dominions do not have much contact with individual soul extensions on Earth.
Dove and the Serpent
the Dove is the Holy Spirit and the Serpent is the negative ego/fear-based/separative mind.
the constellation Draco is significant in many of humanity's ancient mythological traditions, and it is said to be the home of the Reptilian race and many of the factions of beings known collectively as the Grays.
Dr. Lorphan
the Galactic Master who lives in the Great White Lodge on Sirius who runs the Healing Academy there and trains healers from all over the galaxy. He is available on Earth to all lightworkers who call upon him with his team of galactic healers.
the imagery we experience every night which is like a newspaper printout of how we are manifesting our thoughts, words and deeds in our daily life. A fantastic feedback system to make sure you are being conscious of how you are manifesting your energies on all levels. Also a level of interface with the inner plane, where one receives guidance from the higher self and one's spiritual guides. Many advanced beings introduce information and energy to us through our dreams, and many Extraterrestrial races begin contacting us through dreams to prepare us for a greater level of contact. It is possible to launch an out of body experience from the dream state.
the reality that our spirits come from and go to, according to the Aborigines of Australia.
even before the people of the Earth tasted of the Tree of Good and Evil there was always the yin and yang, or choices. However, after the eating of the fruit of the Tree of Good and Evil, negative ego duality developed. Examples being attack/fear, judgment/shame, superior and inferior, anger and depression, self-inflation and lack of self-worth. Most of the world spends a good deal of their consciousness caught in the negative ego/fear-based/separative mind's web of negative ego duality. One of the main lessons of life is to learn to transcend this topdog/underdog way of thinking and feeling and to learn to create a reality without negative ego duality based on Spiritual/Christ/Buddha consciousness and unconditional love!
Dulce Papers
a set of documents that state that over 18,000 Grays live at the Dulce, New Mexico, underground military base, and that they work in league with the Reptilian race.
Dweller on the Threshold
a term used by Djwhal Kul to describe the sum total of all the delusion on all three levels of the astral, mental and etheric plane that remains unconquered and unsubdued and that must be cleared before initiation can take place.