Glossário Dr. Stone

Glossário Dr. Stone

- V -
Valiant Thor
an Extraterrestrial ambassador from the planet Mars, who made contact with the U.S. Government in the 1950's on a mission of peace to help humanity to return to God.
Vatican and the Sistine Chapel, Rome
Vatican City is a city-state in northwest Rome, founded in 1929, and contains architecture that dates back to the Renaissance and Medieval periods. It is home to the St. Peter Basilica, which is the heart center of the Catholic faith. Close by is the famous Sistine Chapel from the Renaissance period, painted by Michelangelo. The entire inside is covered with murals that depict scenes from the Bible, including the creation of the world and the fall of man. From this cultural and religious center, the Pope and an inner circle of sacred cardinals govern the city-state and uphold the Catholic faith. The city also contains a vast library, which holds many ancient texts.
the great Spiritual Text and Bible of Hindu religion! The name comes from the term "veda" which means, "to know."
is the Eastern Spiritual teachings. Also known as the Vedas or Vedanta. Quite profound!
one of the star systems in our local galaxy with Extraterrestrial life!
a person who does not consume or use any animal products at all.
a civilization from the Vega star system who have colonized other star systems such as Altair, Centauri, Sirius and Orion. The Vegans were one of the first Lyran civilizations to develop a unique and cohesive identity.
a person who does not eat meat.
the second planet out from the sun that holds the astrological quality of personal values and the quality of emotions, particularly love, magnetism and harmony, as well as the quality of social personality, with an emphasis on beauty and grace.
Light beings that live on Venus. Sanat Kumara, our former Planetary Logos, came from Venus 18.5 million years ago with over 100 other Kumaras to help save this planet. Venus is very connected to the Love vibration.
Vertical aspect of life
a reference Carl Jung made for the focus on the Spiritual aspect of life.
Spiritual frequency, harmonics and resonation of a given person, substance or thing.
Vibrational signature
every object or identity has a unique vibrational signature in the universe that can be recognized. Wherever a being goes, or whatever any object or identity has contact with, a trace of the unique vibrational signature is left behind, like a fingerprint.
the female counterpart of the Elohim of the Seventh Ray. Victoria's male counterpart is Arcturus.
the spiritual meaning of the color violet is "Spirituality." Violet represents transformation; purification; transmutation; what has been called ceremonial "magic" or invoking through an integration of all of the other colors and what they represent; helps integrate all of what has been learned on Earth; helps heal polarity splits; helps heal the emotional body through its association which the spiritual body; helps cleanse and purify the physical structure; helps align the mental and spiritual perspectives; closely associated with St. Germain; closely associated with the New Age. Violet is also connected with the crown chakra, the seventh ray, the evolved color of the first chakra, the thirteenth chakra which is pale-pink/violet, the fourteenth chakra which is deep blue-violet, the twentieth chakra which is violet-gold, the astrological sign Gemini, and the planet Jupiter.
Violet Transmuting Flame
the Color and Ray dealing with the Seventh Ray Department of Saint Germain and Lady Portia of the Planetary level. This Ray, which can be invoked, has special priorities of alchemy to transform negative energy of all kinds! (UPDATE)
a particular type of Eastern meditation where thoughts are objectified and named almost like objects.
the name for the white, bearded god of ancient South America who taught brotherhood and compassion, and that many historians feel is the same teacher/god of compassion known in ancient Meso America as Quetzalcoatl.
Viral Vacuum
a Spiritual tool I discovered whereby the inner plane Ascended Masters will metaphysically vacuum viral energy out of your aura by your asking for this particular process!
Virbutti Ash
this is the ash made famous by Sathya Sai Baba of India; for he materializes this sacred ash right out of the air and gives it to his devotees as a gift for healing and Spiritual blessings! I have many videos showing him doing this and it is quite fascinating to watch! He is able to materialize things right out of the air by the power of his Divine thought and has been doing this for 70 years. He was even doing this as a child.
the female counterpart of the Elohim of the Fifth Ray. Virginia's male counterpart is Cyclopia.
one of the 12 signs of the Zodiac (8/22-9/22). Key phrase-"l Analyze." The key challenge of Virgo is developing a right relationship to the analyzing mind. In its proper usage, there is the ability to correlate, digest, and collect facts in service of a spiritual purpose. The negative side would be analyzing that turns into judgmentalness and criticalness of self and others. The positive side of Virgo is the idealism, affinity for details, work and service, focus, practical, down to earth, importance upon home, refined, quiet, gentle. The key lesson is being more loving rather than negative and critical. The danger areas for Virgo are
above the Powers on the second sphere of the Angelic Kingdom are a set of Angelic beings called the Virtues. The Virtues are able to send out massive amounts of divine energy and virtuous qualities to humanity on Earth.
in the Hindu religion the second aspect of the Trinity dealing with the Preserver aspect of life!
Vision quest
an American Indian spiritual process whereby the seeker goes through a ceremony, sometimes using drugs of some nature, to get in touch with one's Spirit Guides.
the second step in building the ntakarana which involves the utilization of imagination and visualizing abilities in the building of the cord and bridge of Light.
a point on the Earth's electromagnetic grid where intersecting ley lines created an electrical or magnetic anomaly characterized by a vortex pattern either drawing energy or giving it (see Sedona, or Mt. Shasta). The vortex pattern itself is part of the primal energy of the universe and it is a key to the unfoldment of sacred geometry.
the scribe for the Bhagavad-Gita, and a past incarnation of Lord Buddha.
Vywamus is the higher self or higher monadic level of Sanat Kumara, who started the Tibetan Foundation with Djwhal Khul. He is seated above the seven Planetary Logoi as a cosmic intelligence in the spiritual hierarchy, and his guidance is readily available to humanity. He is considered to be a master psychologist, and an expert at electrical rewiring and recircuiting. Vywamis may be called upon to help rewire one's spiritual bodies so they can hold a higher Light Quotient and so one can handle the higher levels of initiations and 50 chakras.