Glossário Dr. Stone

Glossário Dr. Stone

- S -
Sabda Yoga
this is one of the 22 types of Yoga. It deals with listening to the inner sounds of God and the Music of the Spheres as a direct path to God Realization!
holy, sanctified.
sacred sexuality
also known as Tantric Sexuality. Using sexuality as a path to achieve God Realization!
Sacsayhauman Ruins in Cuzco, Peru
the temple fortress of Sacsayhauman, overlooking the former Inca capital of Cuzco, contains three massive stone fortifications, parallel to each other and zigzagging for nearly 400 meters. Many around the world may have seen this site on television, for it was the site of a huge celebration on New Year's Eve in 1999. No one has been able to satisfactorily explain how such massive stones were moved into such precisely fitted positions by the Incas.
the Eastern term for "Spiritual Practice" or "Spiritual Discipline."
one of the 12 signs of the Zodiac (11/22-12/22). Key phrase-"I Perceive." The key challenge here is the development of intuition and understanding of the higher mind and spiritual aspects of life. Some of the common positive characteristics of the Sagittarian personality are
Sai Baba
great incarnated Avatar from India currently incarnated on Earth. Holds the position of Cosmic Christ on this planet. Performing miracles on an everyday basis, the types of which the Master Jesus was known to do. His ashram is in Puttaparti India. For more information read The Complete Ascension Manual.
Sai Baba's ashram
located in Putaparti, India, this ashram can be visited in the spiritual body through meditation to receive the blessings of Sai Baba.
Sai Baba's Love Seat
a station in the ashram of Sai Baba like the ascension seats, that houses the frequency of Sai Baba's sweetness, succor, and love, that can be visited in meditation in the spiritual body.
is another word for a God-realized being who walks the Earth and demonstrates his Godliness in daily Earth life!
Saint Germain
Chohan of the Seventh Ray that deals with ceremonial order and magic, which is coming into manifestation more with the Aquarian Age. He also works with rays eight through twelve, which just came into manifestation in the 1970's. Many know of Saint Germain through a number of well-known physical incarnations such as Christopher Columbus and Francis Bacon (William Shakespeare).
Saint Francis of Assisi
past life of Master Kuthumi. Saint who was known to have a great affinity for animals.
Elemental beings who control the element of fire.
an Eastern term describing a very advanced Spiritual meditation and consciousness. There are various levels of Samadhi that can be attained through Spiritual practice.
the prophet Samuel, of the Jewish Religion, who was a past life of Saint Germain.
Jesus Christ's name on the inner plane.
Sanat Kumara
a being who achieved his ascension on another Earth-like planet elsewhere in the galaxy, and was trained on Venus to become Earth's Planetary Logos. He presides over the initiation and ascension processes of everyone on Earth, as well as the overall evolutionary processes of every aspect of life on Earth. His training to become a Planetary Logos is well documented in a book channeled by Janet McClure. Eighteen and one half million years ago, Sanat Kumara's incarnation on Earth began the spiritual hierarchy for the planet. As the Logos, the entire planet is his physical body, and everything on the planet lives in his aura.
Sanat Kumara's Golden Medallion
an etheric necklace from Sanat Kumara that will be placed around the neck on request that will connect a person directly with the Great Central Sun, and serve as a protection amulet.
Sanat Kumara's Shield of the Sun
an etheric shield that can be called forth from Sanat Kumara that can be inserted in the chakras which will protect them all from negative energies and forces.
Eastern form of writing system. One of the five sacred languages along with Hebrew, Egyptian, Chinese, and Tibetan.
Sathya Sai Baba
an avatar/teacher born in India who embodies the Cosmic Christ energy, and is recognized by many as a world teacher and healer. His basic message is that everyone is God, the Christ, the Buddha, the Atma, the Eternal Self and that all should see themselves in this way and see each person they meet this way, for how one treats each person one meets is how one treats Him.
the sixth planet out from the sun that holds the astrological quality of contraction and quality of limitation that balances the expansiveness of Jupiter, as well as the power of purity as disciplinarian and the lesson-giver.
stage three of the nine stages of samadhi. In this stage, there is a focus upon subtle ideas. This is different from the previous two stages, which focused on gross ideas or no ideas. There is a differentiation here in Eastern religion upon ideas and thoughts being of a grosser nature.
stage one of the nine stages of samadhi, which relates to a focus directed toward a gross object as its basis. This is the most basic form of samadhi and relates to certain ideations, but no thought. There is also a certain type of superconscious deliberation that is involved. There is a perception of the object as it was, as it is, and as it will be.
one of the 12 signs of the Zodiac (10/22-11/22). Key phrase-"I Create." The key challenge of Scorpio is developing a right relationship to one's creative energies. Do your creative energies serve your personality or egotistical self, or Higher/Spiritual Self? Some of the common positive characteristics of the Scorpio personality are
Scriptures of Light
the direct, multidimensional revealed Word of God and YHWH, that can be called forth and anchored by request to Metatron during meditation.
Seat of Immortal Bliss in Babaji's Cave
a station like the ascension seats in Babaji's Cave that can be visited in the spiritual body during meditation, which houses the frequency of Babaji's holy presence and immortal bliss.
second death
an occult term that refers to the burning up of the causal body, or soul body, at the fourth initiation.
second dimension
the key phrase for the second dimension is "new beginnings." Once something is completed it stimulates an automatic desire to begin something new, sometimes even before completing the previous project. It is the first dimension and a person's response to it that stimulates a connection to the second dimension.
second initiation
this initiation is concerned with developing mastery over the second densest vehicle, which is the emotional, or astral, body. To pass this initiation you must develop mastery over your emotions and desires to a certain degree, in service of the soul, so that one begins to seek liberation and God-realization, being a master of cause instead of being the victim of one's desires and emotions.
second ray
an energy that embodies the Divine quality of love and desire for pure knowledge and absolute truth, colored a deep intense blue and governed by the World Teacher Lord Maitreya and the Ascended Masters Kuthumi and Djwhal Kul. This is also a ray of teaching and education, with the qualities of intuition, radiance, attraction, balance, expansion, and inclusiveness. Associated with the planet Jupiter and the Sun, the Monadic Plane, and the Heart Chakra.
Second Ray Light Quotient Building Program
a program for building Light Quotient that uses a light technology that Djwhal Khul describes as being like an IV that drips Light Quotient into the four-body system in the same way that a real IV would drip medication into your veins at a hospital. This can be called forth at night before going to sleep.
Secret Doctrine, The
one of the books that Madam Blavatsky channeled, which is a revelation from the Ascended Masters, written in the very early 1900's.
Sedona, Arizona
said by some to be the "UFO Capital of the World," this New Age western mecca holds more natural energy vortices in one small area than in any other area on the planet. The town of Sedona has become very touristic, however, the natural energy and power of the land has brought many to heal the Earth and to quest for a higher vision for the world. The whole area of Sedona and Oak Creek Canyon is filled with stories of Extraterrestrial contact and other psychic phenomena. Hundreds of spiritual retreats are held there every year, and the land remains an important focal point of the spiritual energies coming into the physical plane.
one of the 12 major archetypes that must be balanced in the process of clearing the negative ego; characterized by being a deceiver, enchanter, lover, philanderer, or tempter/temptress.
one of the 12 major archetypes that must be balanced in the process of clearing the negative ego; characterized by being an adventurer, explorer, hermit, hunter, monk, pioneer, pursuer, wanderer, or wonderer.
another healing methodology that has been popular at the end of the 20th century involved with the sending of energy and light for healing!
this term would equate to the "personality" and should be differentiated from the "Self" with a capital "S" which refers to the Eternal Self, I Am, Monad, Atma, Buddha and/or Holy Christ Self!
there are three levels of God Realization that must be achieved to truly know God! There is self-actualization or self-realization of the Personality. Self-Actualization or Self-Realization of the Soul, and Self-Actualization and Self-Realization of the Monad or Mighty I Am Presence. There are many successful people in the world such as movie stars, doctors, psychologists and so on. However, this may be self-actualization of the personality and not the Soul or Monad! Strive for Self-Actualization of all three in this order!
an attitude caused by a belief that you are a physical body instead of an incarnation of Spirit living in a physical body as is your brother and sister as well. From this attitude comes the confusion that putting your ego's needs first is more important that sharing or remaining in balance with those around you. A belief in service to self instead of service to others.
love of one's self, and recognition of one's connection with the eternal nature of God's Love, which is unconditional love of all as part of one identity and harmony.
not taking responsibility that you cause your own reality on every level.
Self-Actualization; actualization of the personality, soul and Monad.
Self-Realization Fellowship
The organization started by Paramahansa Yogananda in the 20th century that still continues to this day even though Yogananda passed to the Spirit world many years ago.
a female Pleiadian who contacted Billy Meier of Switzerland, with the intention of sharing with humanity the information that they are not alone in this universe, and helping guide humanity in terms of religion and their repression of the human spirit. Her contacts with Billy Meier were some of the most well-documented Extraterrestrial contacts in history.
sense withdrawal
the second step needed to achieve liberation in the Eastern traditions. This stage begins with the understanding that one cannot change the outside world, but can only change one's attitude and consciousness toward the outer world to maintain inner peace. This stage marks the movement inward, toward becoming inwardly centered, rather than outwardly centered.
this is a term that describes the circular centers in the Cosmic Tree of Life in the study of the Kabballah. There are ten Sephiroth, or Spiritual Centers, kind of like chakras but different. Each one embodies a certain Spiritual Quality and Aspect of God! There is also an 11th Sephiroth which is hidden-called Daath! This refers to Hidden Wisdom! I channeled last year a 12th Sephiroth, which is called the Sephiroth of "Synthesis!"
Sephirothic Knowledge
one may call to Metatron and Melchizedek to be anointed with the highest triad of Sephirothic knowledge with a permanent Light grid over one's head if one is deemed righteous enough to receive such a blessing.
the highest order of angels in the first sphere of the Angelic Kingdom. These great celestial angels are said to surround the throne of God. They are the regulators of the movements of the heavens and have untold responsibilities in the administration of God's infinite universe.
Serapis Bey
the Chohan, or President, of the Third Ray of Active Intelligence. Great master of Egypt. Anchors the Ascension Flame in his Spiritual Retreat in Luxor!
sometimes used as a symbol of temptation, but also representing the dormant or awakened power of the Kundalini in its coiled or rising position. The energy of Kundalini is said to rise up the base of the spine like a snake, and in its dormant form is like a snake coiled at the base of the spine. (SPELLING - SHLD IT BE SPELT AS SERPENT?)
one of the 12 major archetypes that must be balanced in the process of clearing the negative ego; characterized by being an assistant, attendant, Person Friday, right-hand person, slave, subject, subordinate, or worker.
a nonphysical entity channeled by Jane Roberts who had given quite an extensive set of teachings on multidimensionality.
Seven levels of initiation
The Path of Probation, set forth by the Masters, whereby one is trained to be a master of the spiritual path, and must demonstrate the mastery required to pass through seven levels of initiation, which are performed as ceremonies on the inner plane by the Masters, to activate to the various degrees the awareness of the I AM Presence through a process of revelation and transmission of power.
Seven paths to higher evolution
at the time of taking the sixth initiation, one must choose as to which of the seven paths of higher evolution one will follow
seven Planetary Logoi
these seven beings, which include Sanat Kumara, are in charge of the Earth's evolution. They serve as seven beings within a greater being who is the Solar Logos.
Seven Seals
this is connected with the opening of the Seven Chakras and is also connected with the opening of the Cosmic Tree of Life on an Esoteric level!
Seven Sisters
a name given to the seven stars in the Pleiades constellation that are visible to the naked eye.
seventh dimension
the key term for the seventh dimension is "expansion." The seventh dimension is the turnaround point for inner and outer experiences, and is a corridor that allows you to reframe the way you experience the dimensional structures. The seventh dimension allows you to look at how well an ideal has been manifested in the other dimensions, creating an objectivity that stimulates new ideas on how to expand in other dimensional realities.
seventh initiation
the seventh initiation has to do with the movement from the monadic plane of reality up to the logoic, or seventh plane of reality. Where the sixth initiation deals with the merger with the monad, the seventh initiation concerns greater merger with Sanat Kumara and Shamballa. The seventh degree initiate usually becomes a teacher on a global level in a very visible way. The seventh initiation causes a complete implosion of energy in the heart chakra and creates a whole new chakra system. All of the chakras become one column of Light, connected with the antakarana and the ascension column. The seventh initiation can begin to be taken when one stabilizes at the 92% to 94% Light Quotient, but is not complete until one stabilizes at the 97% to 98% level of Light Quotient. The seventh initiation is the beginning of the transcendence of all physical laws, and is also a complete and total commitment to service and a relinquishment of all negative ego. It means merging with the sixth dimension of reality and the seventh dimensional chakra grid, or chakras 30 through 36. It is divorced from all consideration of form and the initiate becomes a concentrated point of living light. The seventh initiation gives the initiate the right to come and go in the courts of Shamballa. It has been referred to esoterically as the "initiation of resurrection." The seventh initiation begins the full opening of involvement with the extraplanetary existence with which our Planetary Logos is involved. At this initiation, Sanat Kumara is attended by two groups of beings. The first is a group is called the Knowers of Purpose, or the Custodians of the Will. The second group, which is larger, is called the Wise Ones and Attractive Energies of Shamballa. These beings operate on a high level of the cosmic plane, corresponding to the ajna center of humankind, and embody the Will to Good, and represent the ajna, or third eye center for the Planetary Logos. At the seventh initiation an even higher electrical force is transmitted to the master through Sanat Kumara's Rod of Initiation, which signifies full completion. The master has now become a full-fledged Melchizedek. One experiences complete liberation from Earthbound functions and can begin to develop advanced and transcendent ascension abilities. (NEED TO UPDATE?)
seventh ray
the ray of ceremonial order and magic; violet in color and connected to the violet transmuting flame, governed by Saint Germain. This is the ray of the high priest or high priestess, the community organizer, or the court chamberlain. This is a ray of observances, ritual, processions and shows, reviews of troops and warships, genealogical trees, and rules of precedence; associated with structuring society, protocol, business, the Sacral Center or second chakra, the planet Uranus, and the physical plane (see violet flame).
Seventy-two areas of the mind
connected with the 72 names and attributes of GOD as seen from the Earthly plane! These 72 names and attributes of GOD have a corallary connection in the mind. See my book The Golden Book of Melchizedek! (CHANGE TO 144 AREAS OF THE MIND?)
seven veils
the lower expression of the seven planetary rays that can be cleared away by request during meditation.
the receiving of direct Spiritual current from a Self-Realized Master
the seat of the planetary spiritual government in the higher dimensions; where the Ascended Masters anchor the rays for the planet, teach and guide humanity on its evolutionary path, and hold council meetings with all members of the Spiritual Hierarchy who have passed the fifth initiation. It is both a location and a state of consciousness. Shamballa embodies the Will aspect of the Creator, while the Spiritual Hierarchy embodies the Love/Wisdom center of the Creator. This is also the place where the initiations are carried out on the inner plane by Sanat Kumara and the other Masters. Shamballa is perhaps the most sacred site on the multidimensional planet, whose presence ranges through many dimensions. It is anchored high above the physical Earth, over the Gobi Desert. Its existence is presently only recognized by lightworkers and high level initiates, but one day it will be recognized by all as a great source of love, light, and guidance, and the official spiritual capital and administrative center of the planetary spiritual hierarchy. Shamballa is the location of the inner plane Ascended Master ashrams, including the Synthesis Ashram of the Melchizedek Synthesis Light Academy. The literal doorway to enlightenment for Earth's initiates exists within the temples of Shamballa. Currently there is a massive downpouring of light coming from this center into the Earth plane, and just as the Melchizedek Synthesis Light Academy is the earthly expression of the inner plane Synthesis Ashram of Shamballa, all of the Masters and Ashrams are building representation on the Earth Plane in every possible form as the light and love we are absorbing as inner plane students of Shamballa is descending and being anchored through our physical ascension and awakening processes.
Shamballa Ray
white light; associated with Sanat Kumara.
setting your intent and your mind to visualize yourself changing into another form such as an animal, or one of the Masters. In the beginning stages this practice only changes the subtle energy bodies and helps to expand the consciousness of those bodies, but in the more advanced stages of this practice the physical body can change and can be used to youth the body or reflect the likeness of other beings.
the Jewish Sabbath.
The Holy Spirit in Judaism and/or Kabbalistic terms.
Shekinah's Life Force
one may call to Metatron and the Holy Spirit/Shekinah, to infuse one's multibody system on a permanent basis with the Shekinah's Life Force so one may be prepared for the full anchoring and activation of one's twelve bodies and the full completion of the seven levels of initiation.
a hidden city in the inner Earth, which is a remnant of the northern migration of the Uighurs, located on the border of Mongolia and China. It has a population of 750,000.
an ancient path of worship in Japan, meaning "the Way of the Gods" or "the God-like way." Shintoism is a religion of the heart and permeates Japanese culture, family ethics, and national structure. It is the chief source of regeneration and revitalization for the social and religious life of Japan. It has a quality of being polytheistic because of the multitude of gods that are worshipped, but the Sun God, Amaterasu-omi Kami, is the Supreme Highest. According to Shinto theology, Ame-no-mi-naka-nushi is the absolute Universal Self. The visible universe is Ken Kai. The invisible universe is Yu Kai. Both of these have come into being from Ame-no-mi-naka-nushi and three subdieties. Fundamental to this structure of the universe is the absolute loyalty to the sovereign emperor who is regarded as a direct descendant and representative of the highest God. Also fundamental is respect for ancestors and love and respect for parents and children. Purity is also an important ethic, and is broken down into outer purity, or purity of the body, and inner purity, or purity of the heart. A person with inner purity is seen as being able to attain God-realization.
Shirdi Sai Baba
past life of Sai Baba, which was his first Avatar incarnation. He was revered by both Moslims and Hindus alike. Had many of the same miraculous powers that Sai Baba has in this life. At his death he prophesied the exact year and where he would reincarnate. It was exactly where and when Sai Baba was born! At age 13, Sai Baba revealed that he was indeed this Spiritual Master come again!
Shiva is the Father aspect of Creation in the Hindu religion. The Mother aspect being Shakti!
Shiva Yoga
a type of Yoga that is centered on the worship of the Hindu God Shiva. Hinduism has a trinity of Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu. The Creator, the Presever, and the Destroyer. Shiva equates to the Destroyer aspect of God. This is that aspect that tears down the old negative ego aspects so the new can be reborn!
a hidden city in the inner Earth that is a refuge of the Uighur culture, which is a branch of the Lemurians. A Himalayan lamasery guards the entrance. The population is 750,000.
in Eastern terminology, this refers to Spiritual Powers or Spiritual Gifts!
Siddha Yoga
path of Yoga made famous by Baba Muktananda!
another Eastern Spiritual Sect. Unique in that they are seen carrying swords at the waist.
Silva Mind Control
a type of workshop that was popular in the 1970's; based upon visualization and meditation.
the color silver is a symbol for the electrical energy of the soul; symbolizes the use of the soul's energy; works with being in the flow; will seek to break up or decrystallize blocks in the use of electricity in all of its forms, including all electrical and electronic devices used on the Earth; many times is associated with the Angelic Kingdom; addresses the lighting perspective; helps deal with blocks in the electrical flow of the physical structure through a penetrative process; helps anchor more of the soul's energy on the cellular level. Silver is also associated astrologically with the Moon.
silver cord
(see sutratma) this is the Etheric cord that connects every soul to their physical body. When Soul Traveling from the body, this cord can be seen clairvoyantly. If this cord were ever cut, the soul would not return to the physical vehicle!
at the same time.
simultaneous time
a major element to the spiritual teachings that are coming from the higher dimensions is that all time is simultaneous. Part of the Eternal Now. The past, present and future are all happening at the same time. The higher dimensions are said to be an experience of simultaneous time, where time is more intuitive, as opposed to linear time, where the past, present and future appear to be separate.
a group consciousness of both a physical and nonphysical nature, from the Sirius star system. Originally descendants of the Lyran star group, they have played a large role in the history of Earth and human civilization. The third-dimensional Sirians visited both the Egyptian and the Mayan civilizations and gave them much advanced astronomical and medical information. They helped to build the great pyramids and temples of Egypt, and many of the tunnels and pathways to the inner Earth. In the future, they will be involved in establishing the new Golden Age on Earth.
the star in our galaxy also known as the Dog Star. The Dogon tribe on Earth speaks of having physical contact with Extraterrestrials from Sirius. They have advanced information that they have received from them that they could not possibly know without the use of the most powerful telescopes and observatories on Earth, which, of course, they don't have. Sirius, the physical star system, is differentiated from the Great White Lodge on Sirius, which is the true Spiritual Home and Base of operations for the Ascended Masters that is etheric in nature. Sirius is the alpha star of a binary star system. One of the more advanced training centers, or universities, to which Ascended Masters may travel. Part of the constellation of Canis Major, it is the brightest star in the night sky, to the lower left of the constellation Orion. It was one of the first star systems to be colonized by the beings from the Lyran star group.
the wife and Spiritual Mate of Rama, the great Spiritual Master of India talked about in the book The Ramayana!
Six Buddhas of Activity
also known as the Six Kumaras, each of these six kumaras are distributing agents for the energy and force of the six other Logoi, as well as Sanat Kumara, who overlights the entire hierarchy and evolutionary process of Earth. Through each of the Logoi passes the life force of one of the six rays, with Sanat Kumara acting as the synthesizer and embodiment of the seventh ray type, holding the entire planetary spectrum.
six stages of discipleship
according to Djwhal Khul, in his book Discipleship in the New Age through Alice Bailey
sixth dimension
the key phrase for the sixth dimension is "complete understanding." You merge with the sixth dimension at your seventh initiation, which is the full completion of the seven levels of initiation that can be taken on this Earthly plane. The sixth dimension is also the circuitry system that ensures there is enough divine current to meet all of the dimensional structures' needs. The sixth dimension also has a connection with the ninth dimension, where the whole process is programmed. The Galactic Core inputs into the sixth dimension in a way that allows being on Earth to begin a more complete usage of the dimensions. There is also a restimulating of the energy on the sixth dimension from the ninth, eighth, and seventh dimensions of reality so that energy can flow directly into dimensions one through five. The electrical flow of the energy that the fifth dimension uses in its blueprinting system is generated from the sixth dimension.
sixth initiation
this initiation is the ascension experience for which everyone is working and waiting for, and represents the full merger with the monad while on Earth. It is the beginning of the ascension experience and merger with the God-self that will be complete at the end of the seventh initiation, and requires one to balance 51% of one's karma and hold an 80% to 83% Light Quotient in the four-body system. After this initiation, one is considered a "kindergarten level" Ascended Master. It is at this point that one must choose one of the seven paths to higher evolution that will lead back into the Central Sun.
sixth ray
the ray of abstract idealism and devotion; colored indigo and governed by the Ascended Master Sananda (Jesus Christ). This ray is very emotionally based and has the ability to help individuals go beyond a mere Earth-oriented focus, giving the virtues of single-mindedness, love, tenderness, intuition, loyalty, and reverence. It is a ray of religion, ideology, and philosophy, and is associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra, the planets Neptune and Mars, and the astral plane.
Sixty-four Keys of Enoch
one may call upon Metatron in meditation to anchor and activate, through the third eye and crown chakra, all sixty-four Keys of Enoch on planetary, solar, galactic, universal, multi-universal, and cosmic levels in your consciousness and multi-body system in all five sacred languages (Hebrew, Tibetan, Egyptian, Chinese, and Sanskrit).
Six Types of Soul Incarnations
1 Lemurian souls 2 Souls from Atlantis 3 Souls who came in through the Moon chain 4 Souls from other planets 5 Souls who have come in through the Aryan Race 6 Rare and advanced souls awaiting incarnations. (This list has to do with where souls first entered the Earth school.)
Smith, Joseph
founder of the Mormon religion. Joseph Smith is the Latter-day Saint and Prophet predicted to come by the writings of the ancient prophet historians of the Americas. He was visited by the resurrected being Moroni, who guided him to a set of ancient records made on metal plates, and the means by which they could be translated (see Urim and Thummim). His translations became the Book of Mormon, and his visions guided him to begin the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, who have accepted the Book of Mormon as an additional testimony of the Salvation of the World through Jesus Christ, whom the Mormon records of the ancient Americas say appeared to preach, after his death and resurrection in Jerusalem (see Book of Mormon).
this is the using of a sage stick which is a particular type of dried plant that is good for cleansing the psychic atmophere of one's environment!
Society of Friends of Space
an organization in Spain that was contacted by Extraterrestrials.
Solar activation, ascension
solar activation is the phase of the ascension process that is worked on after one completes the seven levels of initiation, anchors and activates the 50 chakras, and installs and activates the first nine bodies. The process of solar activation involves six main principles
solar chakras
usually refers to chakras 50 to 100. In truth, we have 330 chakras, which takes us back to Source or the Godhead. Through the process of Spiritual Evolution, these chakras are anchored into our present chakras as we raise in vibration and initiation!
Solar Core Ray
copper-gold; associated with Helios and Vesta.
Solar Logos
the being who governs the solar system and consciously holds the primary pattern of evolution for the solar system. Our Solar Logos is a being known as Helios. Melchior and the Galactic Logos have worked for eons through our Solar Logos, Helios, who works through our Planetary Logos, Sanat Kumara.
solar system
there are, of course, infinite numbers of solar systems. Ours is governed by the beings Helios and Vesta, who are our Solar Logos or Solar Presidents!
the longest and shortest day of the year. The Winter Solstice is the shortest and the Summer Solstice is the longest. These points represent the two key midpoints between the autumn and spring equinoxes in the Earth's elliptical orbit around the sun, and were worshipped as holy days in many of the Earth's ancient cultures. Many of the ancient stone temples and structures of the world contain alignments with the rising or setting sun on these days (see equinoxes).
Sons of Belial
a group of Atlanteans who were the lords of materialism and selfishness who sought to enslave people and make war, and who worshipped Beelzebub.
Son Universe
the book The Keys of Enoch refers to Father and Son Universes
1 the intermediator between the incarnated personality on Earth and the monad or spirit in heaven. 2 the subtle quality that every form manifests that distinguishes one form or element from another.
Soul Braid activation
an activation that can be called forth from the Masters for the weaving together of the eleven other soul extensions from one's oversoul, soul or higher-self into one's state of consciousness. This is an essential step in the ascension process.
soul extension
another word for "incarnated soul." If the Soul is the Higher Self, then soul extensions are the beings that incarnate on Earth from that Soul, of which there are 12. If the Higher Self is the Oversoul, then instead of the term soul extension, the word "Soul" can be used to refer to the incarnating individual!
soul-infused personalities
those disciples and initiates of the first three initiations through whom the souls work in the carrying out of the Plan.
soul mantra
"I am the Soul, I am the Light Divine, I am Love, I am Will, I am Fixed Design" (this mantra activates the soul and the soul star to do spiritual work).
any person you meet and have a romantic involvement with who has a Spiritual resonance and attunement with your soul.
soul merge
achieving mastery of the physical, emotional and mental bodies allows the disciple and personality on Earth to merge with and embody the soul; which increases the desire to be loving, forgiving, and of service to humanity (see third initiation).
Soul psychology
a New Age form of psychology that is not based on personality level theories but rather on the Soul's perspective. For more information read Dr. Stone's book Soul Psychology.
those initiates who have taken the fourth initiation and in whom the soul body or causal body has been destroyed, who are the custodians of the Plan.
Soul Star
approximately six inches above the head is an etheric star of Light that hovers over the head of every person on Earth and acts as an instrument through which the soul does its work. After saying the soul mantra, the soul star will obey thought and creative visualization and will actually be able to move, expand, contract, or send out beams of energy in the direction of the personality, or soul extension, the usage of which will become absolutely invaluable in building the antakarana and in all other areas of life.
soul travel
the process of leaving the physical body and traveling in your soul body around GOD's Infinite Universe!
a spiritual term used to describe God, or that which is the source of all love, light, and creative energy in existence (i.e. the source of all things).
Sphinx in Giza, Egypt
the Sphinx, on the Giza plateau in Egypt, which gazes due east toward the rising sun of the spring equinox, is one of the greatest enigmas of the modern age. \Like the Great Pyramid, many believe it to be less than 5000 years old, but it shows evidence of water erosion that suggests it may have been built much earlier when Egypt was a wetter, rainier place. Some suggest this would make the Sphinx more than 10,000 years old. The prophets and Masters tell us that the Sphinx is the guardian of the Hall of Records, a resource that holds the keys of ancient history, and perhaps even a physical chamber with physical evidence of lost civilizations such as Atlantis. While more and more evidence points toward an ancient origin for these structures, the Egyptian government is currently funding a restoration project on the Sphinx that is covering over much of the evidence of water erosion.
the spiral is a sacred form in many of the worlds ancient cultures, representing consciousness traveling both inward and outward. It is an important tool for exploring one's consciousness and for healing and accessing energy.
the individualized aspect of God in the Celestial world that can be communicated with. Purpose of life is to become the embodiment of Spirit on Earth!
spiritual acupuncture
a healing treatment that can be called forth from Lord Maitreya and the Medical Assistance Program healing team, where one can receive an etheric acupuncture treatment with etheric needles for whatever health issue needs treatment.
spiritual ambition
spiritual ambition is connected with one's personal power, motivation, spiritual goals and enthusiasm. When spiritual ambition is highly developed, one has great motivation to achieve ascension, to complete the seven levels of initiation, to serve the Masters and to serve humanity. It is like a commitment to excellence, perfection and God-realization.
spiritual artery connection activation
this refers to your connection to your ascension lineage of all the Masters you work with through the higher bodies. Just as you want your arteries and veins flowing in your physical or microcosmic body, you want the same thing in your macrocosmic, or God body, which is just as real. Your macrocosmic body, or God body, hence, will feed your spiritual body and four-body system just as your microcosmic physical body is fed by your microcosmic arteries and veins. This activation can be called forth from the Masters that one is most attuned with.
spiritual body
the fourth and most subtle body in the four-body system, made of pure light, that we merge with and integrate during the ascension process (see lightbody).
spiritual current
the downflow of Spirtual energy from God and the Spirit World for the purpose of Spiritual Growth, Initiation, Ascension Acceleration, and Spiritual Service!
spiritual discernment
Spiritual observation, Spiritual discrimination. This is as opposed to judgment, which is discernment without unconditional love.
Spiritual Guides
every incarnated Soul has a number of Spiritual Guides that are assigned to help that soul. This has been set up prior to the incarnation.
spiritual harvesting
a mass ascension or harvesting of souls occurs each time the Planetary Logos reaches a new plateau in his ascension process. The time period between 1995 and 2000 represents a window of mass ascension that is at the end a 100-year harvesting period.
Spiritual Hierarchy
the vast collective of Angels, Archangels, Christed Extraterrestrials, Elementals, Elohim, Nature Spirits, and Cosmic and Planetary Ascended Masters who all serve God for the greater service of All That Is.
spiritual immune system
just as we each have a physical immune system, we all have a psychological immune system and a Spiritual immune system.
Soul consciousness, Christ consciousness, Buddha consciousness.
spiritual job opportunities
after one ascends or completes the higher initiations, there may be new opportunities for service assignments and positions that are offered. As ascended beings move on in their own evolution, positions open within the structure of the hierarchy and these posts are offered to the most qualified initiates.
spiritual log
a dream log, and log of spiritual successes, spiritual insights, spiritual experiences, meditation experiences, channeling experiences, and the channeled and meditation experiences of others that hold significance for you.
spiritual triad
the three interrelated aspects of the spiritual will, intuition, and the higher mind, that make up the three-fold vehicle that the monad works through on Earth.
spiritual whirlwind meditation
a meditation and visualization used to clear psychic debris from the aura by visualizing a spiritual vortex or whirlwind coming down from the soul to cleanse the aura of negative or unbalanced energy.
Sri Ramakrishna
one of the truly great Spiritual saints of India. Universalistic in his approach. Follower of the Path of Vedanta. Swami Vivikinannda was his most famous disciple! A Spiritual Master of Great Love, Spiritual Powers and Abilities! Well worth studying about!
Sri Sankara
a great saint of India who lived in 788 AD. For more information see my book The Ascended Masters Light the Way!
Sri Yukteswar
Paramahansa Yogananda's guru. Sri Yukteswar's guru was Lahiri Mahasaya, whose guru was Babaji!
the fifth step in building the antakarana; where the connection is strengthened and firmly established through practice, meditation, and proper spiritual living on all levels of being.
the feeling and knowingness that one has come to Earth from another planet or star system.
a term referenced to one who has had past lives on other planets in our galaxy or universe other than Earth.
Star of David
a six-pointed star containing two equilaterial triangles placed one on top of the other, however, one of them is turned upside down to give the six points of the star.
Star People
those who have come to Earth from other civilizations to incarnate into humanity on specific missions to assist the Earth and humanity. Star people are known to carry an overwhelming sense of mission, and a feeling of coming from another star system or civilization.
an Extraterrestrial who has incarnated as a human to carry out a mission of divine importance. Often starseeds have a sense of coming from the stars and have a strong sense of mission.
Starseed Transmissions
the first of a powerful series of books transmitted through Ken Carey, concerning the awakening of humanity to the Christ consciousness.
vast Merkaba vehicles used by advanced civilizations to travel between stars, galaxies, and dimensions.
Stationary Isle of Paradise
a name given by The Urantia Book to the eternal nucleus of existence. It is a still point at the center of all Creation.
Stonehenge and the Crop Circles of England
located in southern England, Stonehenge is one of the most well-known sacred sites of the world. The origin of those who built it and its purpose remain a mystery, but we do know that it was later used by the Druids and that it holds an alignment to the summer solstice. The mysterious site draws thousands of tourists every year, and it is thought to rest upon a key point on the Earth's electromagnetic grid. Many report curious electromagnetic anomalies at the site, and it is said that the veils are very thin in this part of the world. The site is somewhat central to another great enigma, the crop circle phenomenon, with complex geometric patterns mysteriously appearing in crops, often in close proximity to Stonehenge. While many of the patterns have been explained as hoaxes, there continue to be authentic, unexplained occurrences that have scientists all over the world baffled. The patterns grow more and more complex every year and now far exceed the common definition of crop circle. Many feel that these patterns are an attempt to communicate with humanity by a vaster intelligence. The authentic patterns have many peculiar characteristics, including a bending of the stems of the crops that appears abnormal. Each one of these patterns is a power spot in itself, and many now travel to see these places as well, to experience the mystery for themselves.
subconscious mind
one of the three minds which each possesses. The suboconscious mind is the nonreasoning mind. It is like a computer. It has a great many abilities but has no ability to program itself. Just like a real computer can be programmed to solve the world's problems or create nuclear war. The same is true of the subconscious mind. It can be programmed to become a Spiritual Master or to become a mentally and emotionally disturbed person. It has no ability to discern truth from illusion, or negative ego from Spiritual/Christ/Buddha consciousness. It is the job of the conscious mind to program it! If allowed to run a person' s life, it will be run by the emotional body, the negative ego and lower-self desire. This is called living on automatic pilot, which enormous numbers of people and lightworkers still do. It is the job of every person and lightworker to master the subconscious and make it totally subservient to your Spiritual wishes and desire in a masterful but loving way!
one of seven minor initiations or steps in the process of each one of the seven levels of initiation. Each of the seven levels of initiation have seven sublevels.
there are seven main planes or dimensions of existence. Each of these planes can be broken down again into seven subplanes within each major plane or dimension. As one spiritually evolves, they move through each of these subplanes of existence. These could also be correlated with the sublevels of the initiation process.
there is much focus in the New Age Movement on building one's Light Quotient, which I have described in my books. However, it is also equally important to achieve not only Light Quotient, but a whole series of other quotients like Unconditional Love, Service, Power, Wisdom, Seven Ray Integration, Christ Consciousness, Transcendence of Negative Ego, Integration and Balance. just to name a few. There are also 72 Sub-quotients of God that I have outlined in my book The Golden Book of Melchizedek. These sub-quotients are the refinements and more subtle character development that all souls need to achieve to fully realize God!
Sufism began a century later than Islam as a struggle against the increasing distortions of the teachings of Islam. Sufism is very much a part of Islam, but it represents the mystical aspects of the faith. Sufism appeals to those who are interested in inner knowledge, inner awakening, and enlightenment. It is a path of self-purification and purification of the heart. It is a method of learning to behave in order to be always in tune with and in harmony with Allah. Sufi teaching emphasizes right relationship between man and Allah. It accepts the teachings of Mohammed and begins with the following of Islamic law. However, Sufism goes beyond the Islamic practices of following the outer law and attempts to go much deeper, with the aim to bring about the development of the whole person. The Sufi mystic sees God in all people and in all objects. The Sufi mystic is free of all egoism, lust, greed, anger, and pride. A Spiritual Sect around the world, although focalized in the East, teaching a mystical or esoteric form of the Islamic faith. Very peace-loving Spiritual Path! Made famous the term Sufi dancing, or Dances of Universal Peace!
to take one's own life, resulting in having to deal with the exact same lesson and situation in the next incarnation.
1 Sol, the star at the center of the solar system, holding the astrological quality of individuality and self-expression through the ego, which is the most powerful astrological influence in ordinary human life. 2 a star, or celestial body made of superheated gases or plasmas, acting as the gravitational center of a solar system.
Sun Sign
the constellation that the sun was in during one's birth. This comes from the twelve houses of the Zodiac, for the sun, that are the primary influences in a person's life. Example
synonymous with Higher Self, Oversoul, Higher Mental Body.
Superconscious Mind
the highest level of mind, also knows as the Higher Self and Oversoul. Is the incarnating Soul's teacher until the Fourth Initiation, when the Mighty I Am Presence and Monad take over!
super electron
all of the electrons in the multi-body system can be replaced on a permanent basis with the Super Electrons of Metatron, as described in The Keys of Enoch, by calling forth Metatron and requesting the anchoring and activation within the multi-body system of a divine infusion of the Super Electron for unification of the subparts of the local universe.
The Urantia Book refers to seven superuniverses that surround the central divine universe, each superuniverse containing multiple universes.
the ideal is to always surrender to GOD and GOD's Will, however, to always own your Personal Power and Self-Mastery simultaneously. Many lightworkers go too far in either direction and don't see that they both can be done at the same time!
a term that refers to the column of energy that extends from the base of the spine to the top of the head, that is part of the sutratma, and often referred to as the chakra column.
A Spiritual passage or writing in Buddhism.
a thread or cord of energy that extends from the monad to the heart chakra of the disciple on Earth; also known as the life thread, or silver cord.
Spiritual Teacher
Swami Nityananda
the Guru of Baba Muktananda. Quite a unique and amazing being. For a short description of his life and teachings read my book The Ascended Masters Light the Way!
Swami Sivananda
one of the great teachers of Yoga in the 20th century. What I personally like about him is his ability to synthesize the teachings of the many paths of Yoga together!
Swami Vivekananda
the Spiritual Master who took over the Vedantic teachings from Ramakrishna!
Sweat Lodge
this is a type of hut that is built by the American Indians for the purpose of creating a sweat bath for the purpose of Spiritual ceremony and purification.
Elemental beings who control the element of air.
the experiences of meaningful alignments of events that seem to reveal a connection within the chaos to a higher order of being and a Divine Plan. To be in the synchronicity is to always be in the right place at the right time, to be in the flow of the Divine Plan and be in perfect harmony with everything. As more and more people learn to be in tune with the synchronicities of life, life will become more synchronistic for everyone. A state of Love brings harmony with the universe, and thus the synchronicities increase.
the path and process of integrating all Religions, Spiritual Paths, Mystery Schools, Gurus, Spiritual Teachers and Spiritual Text, and recognizing they are all one. They all lead to the same place and worship the same GOD! My work, books, Wesak Celebrations, Academy, website, information packets, meditations, lectures and workshops are all the embodiment of this principle.
synthesis ashram
an inner plane teaching center that is a department of the second ray, headed by Djwhal Khul, with the purpose of teaching the synthesis and integration of all the rays into perfect balance and harmony. (UPDATE)
synthesis ray
a ray of light and God Presence that expresses the synthesis and integration of all of the other ray qualities of the Creator's presence. The synthesis ray is a model of perfect synthesis and integration of the rays that Djwhal Khul and the initiates of the inner plane synthesis ashram work with to educate and train those who are learning to master the rays. The Melchizedek Synthesis Light Academy, which is the physical counterpart of the inner plane synthesis ashram, carries out this same work on Earth.