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lack of self-worth
a feeling caused by forgetting that you have worth because God created you and you are made in His image and likeness. Also caused by finding fault within one's self instead of finding things within one's self to love.
Lady Nada
inner plane Ascended Master connected to the Sixth Ray of Devotion.
Goddess of Abundance in the Hindu Religion
Buddhist priests
where the Lamas or Buddhist priests live and worship
Language of Light
the Living Language of Light and Sacred Geometry that is used universally for communication and to encode Creation with the Divine Plan. There are many Light Languages, though all have the same basis of being created from the living essence of our beings, and through geometry having perfect form, capable of perfect understanding. The higher the dimension the more universal, with each dimensional level dealing with higher symbols unique to that dimension. All of the light languages interlock and are translated through the perfection of the Love Frequency and the divine intelligence of the Living Symbols themselves. Each symbol in the Light Language is a living intelligence that is part of our beings and the fabric of the universe. As humans awaken, we will begin to remember and embody these living intelligence symbols, and they will expand our awareness and help us to communicate with the higher dimensions and remember our true telepathic nature.
the creator of Taoism. Everything is based on "Tao" and the balance between the Yin and Yang!
Last Rites
the seventh and final sacrament of the Catholic Church in which a person who is about to die may receive a final blessing from the Church to prepare a person to cross over into the hands of the Savior.
Law of One
the worship of GOD, Oneness, and the Law of Love!
Pillar of Light!
Leadbetter, C.W.
one of the key associates and colleagues of Madam Blavatsky and the Theosophical Movement, which was the first dispensation of Ascended Master Teachings in the modern world!
an ancient landmass positioned in the Pacific Ocean and extending from the United States all the way to South America, that was the stage for the Lemurian civilization, and was sunk to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean in a cataclysm.
Lemurian root race
the third root race of humanity who were primarily focused on physical attunement. This was the first truly physical root race, and was very spiritual and philosophical.
Sanat Kumara, from Venus, who was our Planetary Logos for 18.5 million years, has a higher-self whose name is Vywamus. Vywamus has a higher aspect on a Universal level whose name is Lenduce! All three played an enormous part in Earth's evolution!
one of the 12 signs of the Zodiac (7/22-8/22). Key phrase-"I Will." The key challenge here is in developing a right relationship to the use of will or power in one's life. Is power used in a top dog manner for dominion over others and to keep self always in the limelight? Or, can power and will be used in a spiritual manner for unconditional love, equality, and for the highest good of all concerned? The positive attributes of the Leo personality are
Ley lines
Spiritual or etheric lines of energy that cover the Earth like a Grid. These can be clairvoyantly seen or clairsentient felt, or tuned into with a dowsing rod or pendulum! These ley lines are connected to the main Spiritual Centers, Chakras and vortices on Earth!
one of the 12 signs of the Zodiac (9/22-10/22). Key phrase-"I Balance." The key challenge of Libra is the balancing of inner and outer worlds. The sign of Libra focuses on relationships. There is the need to be involved with life but not to lose self in a relationship or life in general. The positive attributes of the Libra personality are
Life of Brahma
one hundred years of Brahma equals an occult century; one year of Brahma equals the period of seven chains, where the seven planetary schemes are concerned; one week of Brahma equals the period of seven rounds in one scheme; one day of Brahma equals one occult period of a round; one hour of Brahma concerns interchain affairs; one Brahmic minute concerns the planetary centers and therefore egoic groups; one Brahmic moment concerns an egoic group and its relation to the whole. The whole process on a cosmic scale is the in-breath and out-breath of Brahma.
1 a general term for an aspect of existence that encompasses all consciousness, information, expression, energy, awareness, memory, vibration, and every part of the unified field of the Creator's Love that can be defined by a frequency. 2 radiation of wave or particle-like form that scientists measure as part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
one who comes bearing the Light, or holding the frequency of Light and information for the world. Another term for Lightworker, or Keeper of Frequency.
Light beings
beings made of pure light and consciousness who are one with the unified field and thrive on the continuous flow of energy in the multidimensional universe.
Light Body
the higher spiritual body of light that is infused with the erkabah vehicle.
Light geometries
a set of living geometric codes of light that can be called forth and anchored from Metatron and Melchizedek which can mathematically arrange each of the energy meridians to make them energize the etheric and physical vehicles.
Light packets of information
metaphysical light envelopes that are programmed into your computer banks and four-body system; containing information, programming, and light nourishment that helps with the ascension process and can be called forth from a variety of sources, including the Higher University on Sirius.
Light shower
a shower of multidimensional light that can be called forth from the higher dimensions or from specific Ascended Masters for the purpose of building Light Quotient.
Light synthesis cellular rejuvenation process
a process and activation that can be called forth from the monad that creates a rainbow of spiraling energy that will begin to move up and down the body.
Light Quotient
the level of light frequency that one holds in the four-body system. The level of initiation one holds is directly related to the level of Light Quotient that one has stabilized in the four-body system. For example, one must stabilize from a 92% to a 94% Light Quotient to take the beginning of the seventh initiation.
Light Quotient building
the process of increasing the amount of Light Quotient in the four-body system and stabilizing higher levels through spiritual service and practices, maintaining physical health, and utilizing the rays and Light Quotient building tools and techniques given by the Spiritual Hierarchy.
Light Thresholds
one may call to Metatron, Melchizedek, Michael, Jesus, Moses, and Elijah to fully activate one's Light Thresholds in the Father's program of salvation, so one may completely ascend on Earth according to the blueprint of YHWH's living word and so one may be the embodiment of the Collective Messiah and also become the Anointed One of the prophets, of the priests, and of heavenly Israel.
Light Vibrations of the Sacred Names
each of the names of God and the names of the Masters has an individual vibration and light encodement that can be accessed by saying, singing or chanting the name, as a devotional prayer or call for assistance.
a being who works for and is associated with light, which is information and consciousness in its many expressions.
the first female who was the forerunner of Eve, and who was created out of man's selfish carnal desires.
Little Chelaship
the beginning stage of discipleship where a master contacts an up-and-coming disciple through a more advanced chela (student on the physical plane). The master notices the disciple when light begins to flash out of the disciple's aura on certain occasions. This is a sign that the disciple is beginning to make soul contact. In this stage the disciple begins to shoulder some of the burden of group karma. When this begins to happen, the soul or higher-self comes out of its meditation and begins to "gaze downward at the soul extension in the incarnation." The movement toward spirit is still a selfish one and there is no group consciousness developed yet. This is why the master does not contact the disciple directly and has an advanced chela perform the guidance.
Lo Chi
Lo Chi was a great teacher that came to humanity in the pre-Lemurian time, who was one of the first great teachers who really made an impact on the Earth. He anchored courage, wisdom, and love in their beginning stages, and helped a war-torn civilization by building a spiritual community with temples all over the land, and initiated a mass ascension at the end of his reign.
Logoic Body
the Spiritual body that is connected to the seventh subplane of the Cosmic Physical dimension of reality. The Logoic Body is connected to the logoic plane of consciousness!
Logoic plane
it is the seventh subplane of the Cosmic Physical plane! Plane of complete merger with your Monad and Mighty I Am Presence!
the being who has the responsibility of holding the primary pattern of evolution for a creation that guides life in one evolutionary direction. (see planetary logos, solar logos, galactic logos, universal logos, and multiuniversal logos)
Logos of the Great Bear System
the higher aspect-the cosmic level-of the Lord of Sirius and the Great White Lodge, who is the higher aspect of the Solar Logos-Helios. They could be likened to the personality, soul and monad.
an emotion based on the illusion of not being whole within one's self and not recognizing one's eternal oneness with God and the Masters. One can be alone but never lonely once separative thinking and feeling and negative ego are transcended.
a title given to those beings who embody in their essense the Lord God of Hosts, the Eternal Father-Mother Creator.
Lord Buddha
Earth's present Planetary Logos and the Ascended Master known primarily through the incarnation of Guatama Buddha 2500 years ago in East Asia, who taught the four noble truths and the eight-fold path.
Lord of Hosts
the Eternal Father-Mother Creator.
Lord Jesus
an incarnation of Sananda and Lord Maitreya 2000 years ago in the Middle East, where the prototype for the Christ Consciousness of the New Age was anchored.
Lord Maitreya
the Galactic Avatar who holds the Office of the Christ in the Planetary Hierarchy of Earth; who created the world's religions and who was incarnated as Krishna and Jesus Christ, and has overlighted and guided many of the Earth's great teachers such as Guatama Buddha.
Lord Melchizedek
the Universal Logos and teacher for all beings in the universe, who consciously holds the primary pattern for all evolution in this universe.
Lord Metatron
the Chief of the Archangels and the creator of the electron and all of the outer light in the universe; who created the 64 Keys of Enoch that were delivered to J.J. Hurtak by revelation.
Lord Michael
Archangel Michael is the Archangel of protection. Call on him and Archangel Faith any time you or anyone you know is in need of protection on any level!
Lord of the World
a title given to Sanat Kumara, the Planetary Logos of Earth for the entire world cycle of humanity's evolution until 1995 when Lord Buddha took this position.
Lords of Karma
a group of four beings who are in charge of the dispensing of karma for the human race.
Lost civilizations
there are many ancient civilizations that have been forgotten in history, some of which people theorize were more advanced than modern civilization. One of the primary arguments for the existence of ancient lost civilizations, and possibly a more remote age of many of the world's ancient structures, is the fact that humans would have had to observe the skies for far longer than recorded history to be able to accurately build structures all over the world that are aligned with a cycle of time that lasts 26,000 years, especially since some of these structures are aligned with the positions of constellations that date back more than 12,000 years.
the Second Ray energy and the glue of the entire universe. The essence of the nature of GOD and ourselves. GOD is Love and Love is GOD! One of the Seven Great Rays of GOD that makes up GOD's Personality! This is Unconditional Love, not the conditional love of the negative ego, fear-based, separative mind!
Love Quotient
the level of love frequency one holds in the four-body system.
Love worker
this is a new name I have coined to call lightworkers! Why emphasize just the light aspect. Why not a love and lightworker. Why not a love/light/and power worker. Why not a love/wisdom/power worker which embodies the three-fold flame of God! Just an interesting epiphany!
Luciferian Technology
artificial erkabah technology that is not Love-based, and/or any physical technology whose function is not in harmony with nature. This line of technology was created to serve the realms of density that beings have fallen into in the game of separation from Source. True technology is made from Love and Light.
Lucifer Rebellion (experiment)
the great experiment of Freewill in which Lucifer convinced a third of the angels in Heaven to follow him into the experiment of freewill which involved severing the Love connection to Source. This was the fourth such attempt.
the female counterpart of the Elohim of the Second Ray. Lumina's male counterpart is Apollo.
Spiritual Masters in the Celestial Realm.
Luxor, Egypt
Luxor is a modern city in Egypt south of Giza along the Nile, with many important sacred sites surrounding it. It is home to some of the most well preserved temples of the ancient Egyptian civilization, including the Temple of Luxor, the Temples of Karnac, the Valley of the Kings and Queens, and the Temple of Seti the First. The Temples of Karnac appear to function as an astronomical observatory which bears an alignment to the sunrise of the winter solstice and the sunset of the summer solstice; events that cast a straight and perfect path of light along the main walkway and axis of the temple. These temples were part of the ancient mystery schools of Egypt, where many lightworkers and masters have trained and been initiated.
a star system that is the home of the common ancestors of the Pleiadians, Vegans and many advanced civilizations.
the original ancestors of humanity's galactic family. Many thousands of years ago their civilization reached a very high technological level; however, they fell into disagreement and factions developed within the culture. These factions went to war and destroyed much of the society. Many of the beings from Lyra left in their starships to colonize the Pleiades, the Hyades, and the Vega system. The Lyrans have long since evolved past the conflict and past the war-like stage of evolution. They bring a migratory quality and freedom of spirit to Earth, and have been called the chameleons of the universe because of their ability to adapt to new environments on various planets.