Glossário Dr. Stone

Glossário Dr. Stone

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peace activist.
is the head of the Nature Kingdom. In our historical records on this Earth it is taught that people should be afraid of him and he is given a little bit of a negative stigma. Nothing could be opposite of the truth. He is a glorious being of magnificent light and Spirituality. He is also a master healer!
Paradise Sons
the Sons of God who exercise spiritual teaching authority over the Councils of the Elohim and govern several Son Universes collectively.
Paradisian Root Race
the seventh Root Race that has not incarnated yet on this planet and will not do so for some time. This Root Race's focus is on Soul Attunement and the chakra it is connected to is the sixth chakra. For more information on this read The Complete Ascension Manual!
Paramahansa Yogananda
the great Spiritual Master from India who is considered by many to be one of the clearest and purest Masters coming out of the East. Made famous by his book Autobiography of Yogi. He followed in a Spiritual lineage of Babaji, Lahiri Mahasaya, Sri Yukteswar, and founded an organization called the Self-Realization Fellowship in the West! His teachings are very integrated, grounded and down to Earth. Yogananda was an exception to many of the Eastern teachings that can get off track, are too extreme, or overidentify with the Spiritual and don't properly integrate the Psychological and Earthly levels. If you have a desire to study Eastern religion, Yogananda gives a more balanced and easy to understand approach. His teachings do not focus on the Ascended Masters or Ascension, but are good basic teachings!
a great Spiritual Master of India who wrote a book of profound Spiritual truth called The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. For more information on these profound teachings read my book Hidden Mysteries!
Path of Absolute Sonship
the seventh of the seven paths to higher evolution, which is the path leading to the sonship of a cosmic being even higher than Earth's Solar Logos, Helios. This path forms a triangle between the Planetary Logos, Sanat Kumara; the Solar Logos, Helios; and a cosmic being who has been referred to as "the one about whom naught may be said." This triangle produces the relationship between Earth and her solar system, galaxy and universe, for the purpose of helping Earth's solar system bring the nonsacred planets to the point of spiritual liberation. This path also relates Earth's solar system to the constellation of the Great Bear.
Path of Earth Service
the first of the seven paths to higher evolution, in which one remains on Earth or in the ashram of one of the seven chohans serving humanity from the inner plane. One must also choose one of the kingdoms (animal, plant, mineral, or human) in which to focus, based upon which would profit most from one's individual abilities. One can serve directly, by incarnating, or indirectly, from the spiritual world, but the basic goal is to raise the consciousness, frequency, level of love, and initiatory status of humanity and all of the other kingdoms. All who choose this path work under Sanat Kumara, the Planetary Logos.
Path of Magnetic Work
the second of the seven paths of higher evolution, in which one learns to work with the fohat, the essential energy of the solar system, of the Solar Logos, Helios. The fohat energy is differentiated into seven major types, but on this path one works specifically with the astral energy of the Earth and later of the solar system. One learns to direct the fohat energy into the planetary astral plane to help clear the manmade glamour and delusion, working with a pure astral energy that is free of delusion and made up of pure unconditional love. On this path, one wields the force of electrical magnetism under the direction of the Great Ones, and mater of every density and vibration is manipulated in service of the Divine Plan. One choosing this path learns the science of changing mass consciousness and public opinion through the dissemination of electromagnetic pulses and electromagnetic waves of energy.
Path of Probation
prior to the Path of Initiation, which is the path where one tries to achieve their Seven Levels of Initiation, there is a prior path which is called the Path of Probation. This is the path one must walk just prior to stepping on the Path of Initiation! It is a path of preparation to ready the soul to take the First Initiation!
Path of Training to become a Planetary Logos
the third of the seven paths to higher evolution. Masters choosing this path at their sixth initiation will be trained to take up the work of the seven planetary logoi and the 49 subplanetary logoi, and their assistance for the next system. The Masters choosing this path have a special aptitude for dealing with the psyche and are, hence, considered the divine or cosmic psychologists. Masters choosing this path will study under Sanat Kumara. The initial training is done through a form of higher telepathy from members of the Council Chamber at Shamballa, and specifically from two of the Buddhas of Activity who are the core helpers of Sanat Kumara in his work as Planetary Logos. The next step is to travel to Venus as Sanat Kumara did and continue training, which will ultimately lead to the cosmic mental plane. The full training to become a Planetary Logos, which means to embody a planet of your own for which you become totally responsible, can take as long as fifty million years.
Path on which the Logos is found
this sixth of the seven paths to higher evolution deals with the training process to become a Solar Logos, and leads directly to the cosmic planes. On this path an initiate works a great deal with angels, and is eventually allowed to enter the Council Chambers of the Sacred Planets before progressing into the group that works directly with the Solar Logos. To reach this level of work can take incredibly vast amounts of time from humanity's perspective, but when a Master finally achieves this level, he is given the cosmic responsibility of becoming the custodian and distributing agent for certain energetic principals until his training is complete and he is ready to then take on the cosmic responsibilities of embodying an embryonic solar system.
Path to Sirius
the fourth of the seven paths to higher evolution, which the majority of humanity will follow after ascension. Sirius is considered to be the higher university and the galactic doorway to this galaxy, as well as an intermediate step to other paths of evolution. Upon leaving Earth and traveling to Sirius after the completion of one's Earth mission, one automatically becomes a representative of Earth's evolving conclave. One's home will be on the inner plane in the Sirius system for a time, attending classes and also teaching many souls from Earth that travel there in their soul bodies to this higher university during sleep time. One's skill and attributes will be developed in this university, which will lead to many new opportunities to expand service work.
one of the 12 major archetypes that must be balanced in the process of clearing the negative ego; characterized by being an ancestor, father, mother, old one, the great father, or the great mother.
Paul the Apostle
one of the 12 Apostles or Disciples of Christ!
Paul the Venetian
the Chohan of the fourth ray, who used to be the head of the third department and has switched to the fourth. The most important part of this department's work in this time period is the field of the arts. The Master Paul works closely with the Archangel Gabriel, who is also connected to the arts, but from the Angelic Kingdom's perspective.
one of the Spiritual qualities that is achieved when one learns to think with the Spiritual/Christ/Buddha mind!
the male counterpart of the Elohim of the Sixth Ray. Peace's female counterpart is Aloha.
Peace Pilgrim
a Spiritual Teacher in the late 20th century who demonstrated her Godliness by walking back and forth across the United States with no money and just a nap sack on her back. She lived on faith and the goodness of people! Very remarkable woman!
permanent atoms
there are three permanent atoms placed in each person's four-body system which are like recording devices and contain each person's karma. Your every thought, word and deed is recorded here. The permanent atoms are also used by Spirit to dispense karma that needs to be released to achieve God Realization. For more information read The Complete Ascension Manual!
personal power
the First Ray aspect of God. One of the key qualities every person must own and claim to achieve self-mastery and become the Master and cause of one's reality! One cannot maintain unconditional love if they do not also learn to own their personal power. Love, Wisdom, and Power are the three qualities of the Three-Fold Flame in each person's heart!
Petra, Jordan
an ancient city whose rulers became exceedingly prosperous by taxing the traveling caravans of incense merchants as they passed through on the trade route from Yemen to Egypt and the Mediterranean. As a result of their wealth, the desert city was transformed into a cultural monument with many tombs and elaborate buildings carved into sides of the cliffs that many visit today.
Philadelphia Experiment
in 1943 an experiment began as an attempt by the U.S. Navy to achieve radar invisibility for its battleships during World War II through the use of technology invented by Nicola Tesla. An experiment was done in Philadelphia Harbor with a ship named the U.S.S Eldrige that not only resulted in radar invisibility, but allegedly made the entire ship temporarily disappear from its own time/space reality, which had many negative side effects for the crew members who were onboard.
a Jewish philosopher in 20 AD who wrote of a Jewish sect numbering about 4000 whom he called "Essaie" because of their saintliness. His writings are one of the sources of information regarding the Essenes during the time of Jesus.
the set of beliefs one holds that forms the basis of the lens which one sees life through! It is of the highest priority that each person develop a Spiritual philosophy and psychology that is in line with one's Mighty I Am Presence and the Spirit of GOD! Read Soul Psychology, The Complete Ascension Manual, How to Release Fear-Based Thinking and Feeling and The Golden Book of Melchizedek, all available from the Academy! These will give you an excellent foundation for the philosophy of the Mighty I Am Presence and the Holy Spirit that is totally balanced and integrated!
a single packet or quanta of Light.
Photon Belt
a band of highly charged photonic Light that surrounds the central sun that Earth's sun orbits around. Approximately every 12,000 years our solar system passes through this supersaturated Light band for about 2000 years. In one part of the cycle we are moving away from the central sun and the Photon Belt which can bring destruction as it did with the destruction of Atlantis the last time we passed through it, but in our present time we are moving into the belt again toward the Light of the central sun, and this has the potential to create accelerated spiritual evolution that can bring us to an age of enlightenment.
physical body
the densest vehicle of the four-body system that we are born into on the physical plane and that we exit when the body dies, which has the potential to be resurrected into the higher form of the light body through the ascension process.
physical health lessons
a physical imbalance in one's health; sometimes karmic in nature and sometimes having to do with the enormous speed of personal and planetary evolutionary growth, that serves as a lesson for purification, sometimes in very specific ways. Viewing an illness, physical pain or disability as a lesson on the spiritual path is an essential part of purification and understanding the path toward perfect vibrant health.
physical immortality
this, in truth, might be called "Physical Ascension!" It is not possible, contrary to what some may believe, to achieve eternal life in the physical body just through mind power. Mind power must be properly integrated with Spiritual power and Love as well. This can be achieved through the Path of Initiation and the Ascension Process after one fully integrates and completes their 12 Major Levels of Initiation! The 33 volume Ascension Book Series I have written of which 27 volumes are now complete, teaches the process of how this may be achieved! It is not necessary to ascend physically, for some may choose to ascend and not turn the body into light and immortalize it. This is up to the free choice of each individual. It is not required and one is not considered Spiritually better than another. It is something that can be strived for and helped along by the inner plane Ascended Masters and Angels if you choose!
physical matrix for ascension clearing
an ascension activation for the physical vehicle that can be called in during meditation with the help of Djwhal Khul, which carries a new blueprint for the fully ascended physical vehicle.
physical plane
the physical universe, or physical/Earthly plane of third-dimensional reality, which is the densest reality in the multidimensional universe and corresponds with the first initiation which involves developing a level of mastery over the physical body.
the color pink is associated with the heart energy and its characteristics-particularly love, compassion, and gratitude; helpful in softening any crystallization in the will area; helps the surrender process and reaches into and supports what is new, what has begun; thus is helpful in realizing divine support; associated with the Angelic Kingdom. Pink is also associated with the eleventh ray which is orange-pink, the eleventh chakra which is also orange-pink, the eighteenth chakra which is pink-gold, and the thirteenth chakra which is pale violet-pink.
one of the 12 signs of the Zodiac (2/22-3/22). Key phrase-"I Believe." The key challenge of Pisces is coming to a right relationship to self and God in terms of one's beliefs. The higher form of Pisces manifests such qualities as
Planetary antakarana
the antakarana for the entire planet and humanity as a whole, of which each soul extension on Earth builds one small part.
Planetary ascension
the part of the ascension process that involves the planetary initiations and chakras, beginning when one takes the sixth initiation and is completed when one completes the seventh initiation.
Planetary chakras
the first 50 chakras that must be anchored to complete planetary ascension.
Planetary initiations
initiations one through seven which can be taken while one retains the physical vehicle, and initiations eight and nine which can only be anchored into the subtle bodies while one is still retaining the physical body, but cannot be fully taken until the initiate has moved beyond physical reality.
Planetary Logos
1 the being who holds the focus for the primary evolutionary patterns of the planet and all of its life. 2 Lord Buddha, as of 1995, holds the position of Planetary Logos for Earth, and is overlighted by Sanat Kumara, who held the position before 1995.
Planetary Hierarchy
the spiritual hierarchy of Angels, Ascended Masters, Elementals and Christed beings that watch over and guide the evolution of all life on Earth, which consists of Lord Maitreya-the Planetary Christ, Lord Buddha-the Planetary Logos, and the Chohans of the Seven Rays.
one of the great Spiritual Masters of Greece. Follower of Socrates. In his writing he wrote of the ancient civilization of Atlantis!
a cluster of over 200 stars, many of which have been colonized by a wide variety of intelligent beings known as the Pleiadians. Only seven of the stars are visible to the naked eye, known in mythology as the "Seven Sisters." They can be seen as a tight cluster of stars to the upper right of the constellation Orion.
Pleiadian Healing Center
a healing center in the Pleiades where teams of Pleiadian healers that specialize in all areas of healing are ready to assist anyone who would request to be taken there during a meditation.
a spiritually and technologically advanced civilization that inhabits many worlds in the Pleiades constellation, who have been visiting Earth for aeons and are currently assisting with the planetary ascension process.
the ninth planet out from the sun, which holds the astrological quality of reform through death/the underworld, bringing preparation for regeneration and rebirth.
Polarian Root Race
members of the Polarian, or first, root race, had huge filamentous bodies and were more etheric than physical, as well as totally sexless. Their bodies were gaseous in nature and they reproduced by a process of fission, and were basically immortal.
soul extensions who are so attached to the material world that they refuse to let go and often continue to reside in their place of earthly residence even though they are in their astral bodies; sometimes causing disturbances to people on the physical plane (see Earthbound souls).
an Atlantean colony in the inner Earth with 1.5 million inhabitants, located beneath the Matto Grosso Plains of Brazil.
when a soul extension is totally earthbound, he or she will try to latch on to another person's physical body and consciousness and control the life of the person.
the lowest level of angels in the second sphere of the Angelic Kingdom. They are the bearers of conscience and the keepers of the collective history of Earth. The angels of death and birth are part of this group. These beings are able to draw down the energy of the Divine Plan for Earth, which enables them to bring to humanity a vision of the spiritual interconnectedness of things.
the practitioners, one of the two loosely divided social groups in the Essene community, who were focused on physical survival jobs such as making pottery and clothing, farming, and carpentry.
vital force, breath in Eastern terminology.
1 a signal that we send out to the universe to effect change, bring about manifestation, or communicate our creative needs, intentions or desires to the Source or a higher power. 2 a flow of communication or channel we create between us and the higher dimensions that can be viewed as a pillar of light that rises up from our earthly chakra systems to our higher selves.
prayer field
a field of intention, expectation and receptivity generated by the flow of creative energy that we project into the universe from within ourselves.
Precession, precession of the equinoxes
refers to the slow 26,000 year wobble of the Earth which gradually creates the effect of the positions of the zodiacal constellations rotating 360 degrees around the position of the rising sun. In one full precessional cycle each of the twelve zodiacal constellations occupies the position of the rising sun for 2160 years, corresponding to one astrological age, such as the Age of Aquarius.
pre-Lemurian Root Races
a reference to the first two root races on Earth-called the Polarian and Hyberborean Root Races, neither of which were fully physical.
Prince Racgozi
one of the past incarnations of Saint Germain.
at an even higher level than the Archangels are the Angelic beings called the "Principalities." These beings are the guardians of large groups such as cities, nations, and multinational corporations. For example, one of the beings holds in its heart a unified global order for Planet Earth.
a binary yellowish-white star system that rises before Sirius in Canis Minor, about 11.4 light-years from Earth, that is home to an advanced, Positive Extraterrestrial group with a human appearance.
advanced, Positive Extraterrestrial group with a human appearance. They have a strongly positive attitude toward the people of Earth, but the U.S. Government was not interested in negotiating with them because they would not provide new weapons systems. The Procyonians have crossbred with humans during many stages of evolution. They have a philosophy of service to others rather than service to self and have been involved in trying to protect humanity form the evil activities of the Grays and the Reptilians. They are able to travel in time and between dimensions, frequently using mechanical vehicles although they are not dependent on them.
the third step in building the antakarana; which involves the utilization of the will, or will power, and the use of a word of power to send upon this line or bridge of Light substance. This action of sending a word of power using the will power through the visualized cord with the slighest possible intention, extends the gossamer threads of Light toward the spiritual triad and monad.
Project Signa
a secret government project that intercepted alien radio communications, and by using the binary language of computers it was possible to arrange face to face contact with beings from other planets.
a psychic or clairvoyant prediction about the outcome of events in the future, rooted in probabilities but not always a solid truth. Prophecies are often given to humanity through messengers and inspired writings to alert us about using our freewill choice to avert disasters.
Proxima Centauri
a star system with human-like inhabitants who are visiting Earth to observe events here and to consider the development of the species evolving on the planet.
1 of or pertaining to a synthetic or organic chemical substance that alters psychological and visual perception of reality when ingested by humans, producing what many call a psychedelic experience. 2 an adjective describing a colorful or strange experience, or music or visual effects that relate and compare to the experience of ingesting a psychedelic substance.
one who demonstrates or expresses abilities that range far beyond the five physical senses.
psychic abilities
abilities that range far beyond the five physical senses of taste, touch, hearing, seeing and smell, which allow for a wider range of perception that can transcend space, time and dimension, and allow one to express greater control over energy in the universe.
there are three levels of mastery that must be achieved to realize God! The Spiritual, Psychological, and the Physical/Earthly! Psychology deals with the proper organization and function of your mind and emotions! If Spiritual Psychology, which is the basis of consciousness, is not properly understood and is contaminated by the negative ego mind, it will corrupt all Spiritual work, channeling and teaching-which is something most lightworkers do not fully understand. Lightworkers tend to emphasize the Spiritual level, which is fine, however, they are not seeing how much the lack of proper mastery on the Psychological level is affecting their reality. This is so because it is our thoughts that create our reality and all Spiritual work is brought through our consciousness and psychology! Study my books Soul Psychology, How to Clear the Negative Ego, How to Release Fear-Based Thinking and Feeling and The Golden Book of Melchizedek, for one of the most in-depth trainings in Spiritual Psychology ever given forth in such an easy to understand and practical manner. The Ascended Masters are extremely concerned about the enormous lack of integration and fragmentation in the world and in the Ascension Movement.
is a region where soul extensions go who are not evil like those who are attracted to the hell regions, but rather just misled and not educated properly on Earth, or those who have been misled through unsound religious practices, who are atheists, who have gone insane, who have been overtaken by bad habits, or who have become obsessed with material desire and attachments.
the male counterpart of the Elohim of the Fourth Ray. Purity's female counterpart is Astrea.
Purple Positive Energy Plate
a flat, purple, square plate that is used to clear food of all negative energy and negative residues such as pesticides, as well as energize the food. It can also be used to energize water, crystals, and for use in meditations.
Purusha khyati
(atma and the world) the seventh of the nine stages of samadhi. This stage of samadhi is total, complete, uninterrupted discerning vision between the universe and the atma (self). This stage, as well as the eighth and ninth stages to come, transcends supramental knowledge. This seventh stage of samadhi has also been called viveka-khyati, vivekaja-jana and taraka-jnana.
one of the past lives of Master Kuthumi. Pythagoras was a master Spiritual Mathematician and Builder. Many theories to this day are based upon his work!