- F -
the idea that one can choose the wrong path, when, in truth, mistakes are just stepping stones for spiritual growth. Failure does not truly exist, for all paths lead to the one.
a very smal angel, deva, nature spirit connected to nature that works with the flowers, plants and vegetables in our gardens.
that Spiritual quality that trusts in God and God's Laws even though things cannot always be seen with one's physical eyes or five senses!
(see Archangel Faith)
faith healing
a type of healing based on the unseen force of God and the Angels, which is very connected if it works in the belief of the person receiving the healing!
Fall of Man
an expression in the Bible for the moment when we forgot who we were because of our overidentification with the material universe, allowing us to get caught in the density of matter and think that we were the forms that we had created to explore.
False God, False Godliness
one of the traps and glamours of the negative ego is the demonstration of a godliness that is contaminated by the negative ego. It could be an air of superiority, or someone who puts on a false sense of holiness who is not truly coming from the heart. False godliness is when one acts holy but underneath there is no substance. A false god could be anything that one worships instead of the one true God of Universal Love and Light. An example would be putting money or pleasure first before God, serving the lower-self instead of the higher-self and God. As the Commandments of God teach, "Thou shalt have no False Gods before Me."
false prophets
those beings the Bible prophesized would come in these latter times teaching a disintegrated, fragmented, negative ego contaminated, false doctrine! Be aware of wolves in sheeps' clothing -Jesus
Family of Light
all Sons and Daughters of God throughout Creation.
the process of abstaining from eating on any level of your being for the purpose of cleansing, purification and/or Spiritual Attunement!
Father's Eye of Divine Creation
considered to be esoterically the Third Eye of GOD!
opposite of love. The karmic result of projected attack thoughts. False Evidence Appearing Real. A fantasy of danger that is not real. Loss of faith in God and one's own identity as an incarnation of God. Perfect love casteth out fear.
Feathered Serpent
an ancient symbol for the primary god worshiped in the Americas by the Mayans, Aztecs, and Olmecs. Known to the Aztecs as Quetzalcoatl and to the Mayans as Kukulkan, the feathered serpent is found in much of the architecture and art of the ancient Americas.
feminine principal of existence
the yin, the Goddess, Divine Mother, which all men and women must fully balance with the masculine principle and properly integrate to achieve God Realization!
feng shui
the Chinese Spiritual Science of environmental design of your home and physical furniture for the purpose of God Realization!
Festival of Humanity or Festival of Good Will
one of the three holiest days of the year to the Ascended Masters. Overlighted by Saint Germain, the Mahachohan. Occurs on the full moon of June each year!
Festival of the Buddha
(see Wesak)
Festival of the Christ
(see Christ Festival)
fifth chakra
Spiritual Center of Communication, Surrender, and Will
fifth dimension
the key phrases for the fifth dimension are divine structure or ideal structure, as it is the structural blueprinting system. The fifth dimension is the dimension which you merge at your sixth initiation and ascension, along with your personal structural blueprinting system, such as the mayavarupa body or monadic body, so that you are operating entirely out of the monadic blueprint and not out of a blueprint tainted by all your past incarnations. This is a dimension of pure thought and meaning, beyond time and space, where many of the ascended masters and Christed Extraterrestrials work from.
fifth ray
this is a ray of concrete knowledge, science and research, colored orange and governed by the Ascended Master Hilarion. It is also a ray of justice, common sense, uprightness, truthfulness, independence, and keen intellect; associated with the mental plane, the planet Venus and the Ajna center or third eye.
one of the most well known Spiritual Communities on the planet; located in Scotland. Most famous for working with the nature spirits in the gardens to grow produce, flowers and plants unheard of in that area!
one of the four elements of nature.
fire letters
this is a part of the Language of Light, which is the true language God speaks, which is based on fire letters, key codes and sacred geometries!
Fire Signs
Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.
first chakra
chakra or Spiritual center dealing with survival issues, grounding, money, physical health and earthly mastery!
first dimension
the key term for the first dimension is "completion." The first dimension stimulates a feeling of completion that creates a flow of energy to the second dimension.
first ray
an energy of will, power, and drive, connected to the energy of vitality, initiative, and thrust, which is red in color and governed by the Manu Allah Gobi and the Ascended Master El Morya. Also the ray of government, politics, and international relations, associated with planet Pluto, and the planetoid Vulcan.
five Christed Universes
an activation that can be called forth by asking Lord Maitreya and Melchizedek to anchor the Christ energy of the five Christed Universes into the four-body system.
five physical races
the five physical races were created by God and the God Force on the five main continents of the Earth so that the Sons and Daughters of God could have more suitable bodies to incarnate into.
five Plutonic solids
the five most primal polygons in the unfoldment of sacred geometry in Creation. The Tetrahedron, Cube, Octahedron, Icosahedron, and Dodecahedron can be found in the matrix of Metatron's Cube. The relationships within these five key structures form the basis for all of Creation-from DNA to the Planetary Grid.
five sacred languages
Tibetan, Sanskrit, Chinese, Egyptian and Hebrew.
flying saucer
a term used to describe saucer shaped or disc shaped UFOs.
one of the 12 major archetypes that must be balanced in the process of clearing the negative ego; characterized by being a risk-taker, clown, flake, lunatic, madman/madwoman, philanderer, or scatterbrain.
the psychological quality of letting go of trespasses or negativity done unto you or you do to yourself. The key to happiness. Prerequisite to achieving unconditional love!
Four-body System
terms to describe the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies that make up our earthly selves.
Four Noble Truths
the central teaching of Guatama Buddha
fourth chakra
Spiritual center dealing with unconditional love
fourth dimension
the key term for the fourth dimension is flow. Everything in the fourth dimension flows more smoothly and evenly and in a deeper fashion than in the third dimension. The emotional body is the resident guide to the fourth dimension, but the flow of this dimension helps to free the physical and mental bodies as well. Earth has moved into the beginning levels of this dimension as of the Harmonic Convergence in 1987, but the entire range of frequencies and vibrations encompassed by the fourth dimension include many different semiphysical and nonphysical territories from the heavenly realms of the upper fourth dimension, to the hell-like regions of the lower astral plane that some soul extensions get stuck in after physical death.
fourth ray
an energy of harmony, colored emerald-green, and governed by the Ascended Master Paul the Venetian. It is also a ray of artistic expression and sociology, and is associated with the planets Mercury, the Earth, and the Moon, as well as the intuitive plane.
key quality of the Seventh Ray. The natural state of a God-realized being on all levels. As Sai Baba says, "It is our minds that create bondage, and our minds that create freedom!"
free energy device
any machine or device that can tap into universal energy or power itself without fuel or energy that is limited or costs money.
free will
another term for free choice
free will universe
a creation designed to allow consciousness freedom to explore and do whatever it wants. There are many kinds of freewill universes. In this universe, freewill involves the laws of karma.
Freud, Dr. Sigmund
one of the most famous earthly psychologists. Coined the terms
full moon festivals
the 12 full moons each year are considered by the inner plane Ascended Masters to be some of the holiest days of the year. The most holy being
a more traditional and often dogmatic interpretation of religious and/or Spiritual understanding!
Future of Days
another of the many beautiful names of God. "Ancient of Days" and "Future of Days"! For God exists in the Eternal Now, and encompasses all past, present and future in this Holy Instant!
Futureplex Homeopathics
a series of homeopathic remedies for cleansing and protecting the body from bacterial and viral infections, and environmental pollutants-developed by Roy Martina